Hello Ravi

Ravi Trivedi wrote:
> Hello all,
>   I am trying to implement synchronization of DAB receiver in matlab. I 
> have been facing some problems when I test the matlab receiver code for 
> real time streams.
>   First issue is sampling rate estimation problem. I see that real time 
> frame has shortage of samples when compared to values given in 
> specification. I do frame detection first followed by joint estimation 

What is your sampling rate, and how many samples are you missing? It's
likely that your sampling rate is not exactly what you expect, when you
use real-world data, and maybe you have to do sampling rate correction
as well.

> of fine timing and coarse frequency offset. After compensation, I 
> perform fine frequency offset estimation and compensation. I see that 
> for real time streams FIC decoder doesn't pass the CRC. If I use 
> simulated data CRC check gets passed.
>   Does anyone have receiver matlab code working for real time data which 
> I can use for comparison with my code? Thanks in advance.

I did an implementation for GNU Radio a while ago. You can find it at
[1] and a description in [2]. Although it's not complete, it does
everything on the lower levels, up to (and including) FIC CRC
verification (which works, also with real-world data).

Regards, Andreas

[1] http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~andrmuel/files/gnuradio/gr-dab.tgz
[2] http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~andrmuel/files/gnuradio/dab-doc/thesis.pdf

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