Recently, I am confused about the process from baseband signal to
RF transmission. I know that baseband signal is sent to USRP through UHD. If
the signal amplitude exceeds 1, what will happen? I looked up some mailing
lists and mentioned nonlinearity. I wonder what this nonlinearity mean
First, for the active part of the flow graph - which doesn't have any
hardware , will run as fast as your computer will allow it, i.e. it may
cause your computer to slow down. To prevent this add a throttle.
Send, your noise source is an unknown source with 0 amplitude. If the
noise source is
As for CPU load: the easiest way is to run *htop *or any other program to
check how much of resources are being consumed by the process that you are
As for your last question regarding sample rate: There is no chance you
will provide samples at 61.44 MSPS to Pluto (USB interface limi
Thanks for the response Fabian.
Actually, there is no "actual" problem, the system is working properly.
My question is related to what you said in your mail "*One exception here
is for example your PlutoSDR Source/Sink - both will actually
provide/require the sample rate you specify.*" In this ca
Hi Daren and Fabian,
Fabian: Daren is using cyclic transmission so starting from the moment when
the Pluto hardware buffer is full it repeats the samples over and over
again. I think that CPU load has nothing to do here since as I said,
samples are not being calculated in a real time manner.
Hi Diren,
I am not exactly sure what your problem is.
What you should know: gnuradio does not inherently has any sample rate
(unlike Simulink for example). Each block receives samples, processes
them, and outputs the same number of samples as fast as it can (except
if the block is interpolatin