First, for the active part of the flow graph - which doesn't have any
hardware , will run as fast as your computer will allow it, i.e. it may
cause your computer to slow down. To prevent this add a throttle.
Send, your noise source is an unknown source with 0 amplitude. If the
noise source is unknown and 0 amplitude, why do you need a low pass filter?
Also, what version of gnuradio are you using?
-- Cinaed
On 6/4/22 14:09, DİREN ERDEM AYDIN via GNU Radio, the Free & Open-Source
Toolkit for Software Radio wrote:
Hello All,
I'm working with Adalm Pluto SDR, trying to transmit and receive a
custom burst signal given in the figure. To create the signal I'm
using a vector block that creates a pulse and then due to a low pass
filter I can extract the desired waveform. Flowgraph is also added.
As far as I know, input/output sample rates of connected blocks should
be matched. However, I'm providing 10k fewer samples to LPF because of
the high sample rate of pluto, 61.44 M. When I tried to increase the
samples in the vector source to Mega ranges frequency response of the
signal drops drastically. I have also tried to use interpolation in
between vector block and LPF, but it doesn't work either.
My question is the LPF block normalizes the input sample rate to 61.44
M? The whole system works OK but this thing stays unclear for me.
Thank you.