*Hello all,*
*I am developing a Fuzzy system to control some variables in a
Communicatiosn system, and i have the following code:*
import numpy as np
import string
import pmt
import struct
import pylab as pl
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import digital
# Variable Global
x =pl.li
Which version of gnuradio works for you now?
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 5:22 PM Ralph A. Schmid, dk5ras
> Hi,
> I had maybe similar issues with gnuradio recently, and when I not only
> removed the build folder but the whole gnuradio folder and did a new git
> clone, it magically went throu
I had maybe similar issues with gnuradio recently, and when I not only removed
the build folder but the whole gnuradio folder and did a new git clone, it
magically went through as if there never had been any issue :) Don't ask how
much time I wasted on this one :)))
> -Original
The MESSAGE directive shows it should be ok - added to lib/CMakeLists.txt,
after the first target_link_libraries(), the line "MESSAGE(STATUS "DEBUG GR
The output:
add a "message ()" directive that prints the GNURADIO_ALL_LIBRARIES
that is actually used in your lib/CMakeLists.txt. If that is wrong:
Move your OOT's cmake/Modules/* out of the way – I do not endorse the
fact that we're distributing copies of all the GNU Radio CMake scripts
with our OOT templat
I've done "rm -rf build/*" and "pushd build; cmake ../; and make -j7; and
make install; popd" ~ 50 times since yesterday :)
Any suggestions for debugging it?
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 2:33 PM Müller, Marcus (CEL)
> I must admit this is surprising to me, as the line of code where
> LIBS=..
I must admit this is surprising to me, as the line of code where
LIBS=... is printed is pretty integrally coupled to the line that
specifies what GNURADIO_ALL_LIBRARIES is. Maybe CMake got confused?
I know this is kind of a "haveyoutriedturningitoffandonagain" answer,
but have you tried completely
I have a similar problem as described in
When I try to run tests (with Python), I get:
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "python/myblock.py", line 12, in *
*from myproj.myproj_swig import mitigation_source*
Hello Mr. Müller,
Thanks a lot for the reply! Everything is clear now.
Best regards,
Amrit Zoad
On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 1:21 PM Müller, Marcus (CEL)
> Hi Amrit,
> Well, usrp_spectrum_sense is a hopping observer, and GSM is a hopping
> system: your probability of intercept is rather