I'm trying to implement a custom out of tree source block that when
triggered with a callback will emit a burst of samples. In my work function
I have a check to see if a private variable do_emit is true, and if so it
will populate the output items array. If it is false, I do nothing and
thanks for quick reply. What I am trying to do is to regenerate noise-free
wifi frames, which I already captured with HackRf. So I m receiving wifi
samples with hack RF then and save both the samples and decoded frames in
files. I use the decoded pcap file to regenerate the wifi frames. I se
On 04/09/2017 03:49 PM, serefay wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. I could not find out how can I solve it. But this
> problem comes only when I receive from a file source. Even tough when send
> the IQ samples that I captured with Hackrf, which i saved in a file, it
> encounters the s
Thanks for your reply. I could not find out how can I solve it. But this
problem comes only when I receive from a file source. Even tough when send
the IQ samples that I captured with Hackrf, which i saved in a file, it
encounters the same problem.Is there any some blocks can be alternative