
On 04/09/2017 03:49 PM, serefay wrote:
> Hi, 
> Thanks for your reply. I could not find out how can I solve it. But this
> problem comes only when I receive from a file source. Even tough  when send
> the IQ samples that I captured with Hackrf, which i saved in a file, it
> encounters the same problem.Is there any some blocks can be alternative to
> file source to send the samples to the receiver?

Sorry, but I still don't understand what you are trying to do. It would
be great it you could describe it a bit more detailed.

Anyhow, gr-ieee802-11 also has a transmitter. So why not just generate
frames, as opposed to replaying a noisy capture. If you are trying to
transmit a captured sample file from disk, the disk might be the bottle
neck. (A 20MHz signal is 160Mbyte/s).


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