Thanks a lot for the info. I have looked at the paper you mentioned.
I want to plot "Transfer Rate (mbps)" on the x-axis and on the Y-axis I
want to measure the "CPU utilization". I am using UDP flows and measuring
the CPU consumption of the process ovs-vswitchd. Is this the kernel module
you ment
One of the first papers about ovs have something similar to what you want
to do: They got ~7G at that
time, depending on the transfer (pkt) size.
I believe you should also try UDP and non ip traffic, to isolate the tcp/ip
stack code. OVS also has a ker
I am trying to measure the switching capacity of OVS. I am trying to plot
cpu utilization against amount of traffic (mbps) switched by OVS.
I have deployed OVS on a workstation and connected to two other other
workstations running iperf server and client. Now which process on the OVS