One of the first papers about ovs have something similar to what you want
to do: They got ~7G at that
time, depending on the transfer (pkt) size.

I believe you should also try UDP and non ip traffic, to isolate the tcp/ip
stack code. OVS also has a kernel module, so using something else to check
how much cpu the kernel module consumes would be interesting as well.

Another thing you should try is to search for "openvswitch performance" on
google scholar. This would give you some other interesting reading sources.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Faizul Bari <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to measure the switching capacity of OVS. I am trying to plot
> cpu utilization against amount of traffic (mbps) switched by OVS.
> I have deployed OVS on a workstation and connected to two other other
> workstations running iperf server and client. Now which process on the OVS
> workstation should I monitor? Is it ovs-vswitchd?
> Is there any existing such measurement?
> --
> Faizul Bari
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