On 08/21/2015 10:51 AM, Justin Pettit wrote:
The Open vSwitch team is pleased to announce the release of Open vSwitch 2.4.0:
This release contains the largest number of new features of an Open vSwitch
release. A few feature highligh
Hi Sean,
I thought I had it "working". I spent all day trying to get my vms to access
the external network. I was unsuccessful. I used your flavor setting as well,
but that didn't help.
Furthermore, when I create a new network, and attach the VMs to that network, I
can't get the VMs to ping
I'm trying to pass metadata from OVS switch to controller but always get 0.
Anything wrong with my steps?
My test environment is:
OVS: 2.0.2
OVS-controller: 2.3.1
OF: OpenFlow1.3
My test steps are:
1. Make OVS-controller to send a OFPRAW_NXT_SET_PACKET_IN_FORMAT message
to OVS switch