Hi Sean,

I thought I had it "working".  I spent all day trying to get my vms to access 
the external network.  I was unsuccessful.  I used your flavor setting as well, 
but that didn't help.

Furthermore, when I create a new network, and attach the VMs to that network, I 
can't get the VMs to ping eachother either (and thus I can't test the dpdk 

I'm at a loss of what to do next to try and figure it out.  The xml is vm's 
qemu is autocreated with everything that I think is necessary when I apply the 
nova flavor-key thing you mentioned below (both the memoryBacking and the 
<cpu>... memAccess="shared">... elements are there); that is, no manual editing 
of the xml seems to be required.

I saw that a new release came out and I copied the local.conf.single_node and 
used that (of course replacing my host_ip with corresponding values for my em1 
interface and then using p6p1 for the data interface.

That created that stack environment it seemed without a hitch, except the demo 
tenant did not get a private network and router to the public network 
automatically created as before.  So I manually created those, as well as a 
dummy network and hung two vms off each of those networks, (the private one 
with a router to the public network, and the dummy network).

Neither VM got any dhcp address from the private network - ok, I may not have 
created the router, etc correctly, but at least I should be able to ping 
between the two vms on the dummy network.  After statically assigning the IPs 
that nova assigned to the ports on the dummy network for those vms, neither 
could ping eachother.

I'm at a loss of what I might be missing.  I think maybe I just need to reimage 
the box and start from a completely clean Ubuntu 15.04 install just to make 
sure artifacts from previous attempts aren't hanging around.

Anyway, thanks for all the help you have provided, and have a good weekend!

From: Mooney, Sean K [mailto:sean.k.moo...@intel.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 1:54 PM
To: Gabe Black
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Hi I am glad you got it working.
Thanks for reminding me about apparmor also.

We had set all profiles into complain mode but it was still blocking access to 
the vhost user sockets on our system also.

Apt-get purge apparmor results in vms booting correctly on our system also.
For now we will document this as a workaround and investage updating the 
apparmor profile to allow access to the
/var/run/openvswitch directory.

Just incase you are not aware to have network connective in the vm when  
booting via openstack it is also neesicary to request hugepages
This can be done by modifying the flavor as follows
nova flavor-key <FLAVOR> set hw:mem_page_size=large
without this flavor extra spec option nova will not generate hugepage element 
or populate the pages element.

on the acceleration question
br-p6p1 and br-int  both use the dpdk enabled netdev datapath.

Because both bridges are connected by a patch port ovs is able to
Collapse the two bridges into a single datapath. This effectively means that 
while there are
Two logical bridges with the vm vhost-user port connected to br-int and the 
dpdk physical port connected
To br-p6p1 it is the equivalent of connecting all ports to a single bridge.


From: Gabe Black [mailto:gabe.bl...@viavisolutions.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 5:20 PM
To: Mooney, Sean K
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Ok, I think I found the config that had it boot.

Your example xml that you attached had:

      <page size='2048' unit='KiB' nodeset='0'/>

The page element was the missing piece for me.


From: Gabe Black
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:31 AM
To: 'Mooney, Sean K'
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Hi Sean,

The symlink let me create the vms in openstack... I'm positive that would have 
taken me forever to figure out.

I did notice that when I do create the vms with openstack it does generate the 
vhostuser section, but the vhost-user port isn't created under the br-p6p1 
interface (I believe that is the bridge to the physical port (p6p1 which is the 
intel 82599 nic) that I hope dpdk will accelerate) but rather the vhost-user is 
created under br-int.

I'm just now getting my hands dirty with openstack, so forgive my ignorance if 
that is just fine for it to be created under that bridge, as it will still use 
the dpdk acceleration.

Anyway, after I did make the numa modifications, now when I try and start the 
VM, I get the error "Unable to find any usable hugetlbfs mount for 0 KiB"

I thought maybe I needed to increase the hugetable allocations for ovs-dpdk so 
I changed /etc/defaults/ovs-dpdk items to these (they were 2048):


I then restarted ovs-dpdk service (service ovs-dpdk restart) as well as the 
libvirtd service in case it had to notice the changes as well (saw a note in 
the qemu.conf that indicated it might determine hugetable size at daemon start).

However, I still get the same error.  I thought maybe it is a vm config error 
since it seems weird that it is trying to find a mount for "0" KiB.  These I 
believe are the relevant VM xml section:

<memory unit='KiB'>1048576</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>1048576</currentMemory>
<cpu mode='host-model'>
    <model fallback='allow'>SandyBridge</model>
    <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
      <cell id='0' cpus='0-3' memory='1048576' unit='KiB' memAccess='shared'/>

Now that I can launch VMs with openstack, I may just try and modify that xml to 
add the hugetable backing (and maybe the vhost-user that is connected to 
br-p6p1) and see if that works.

Anyway, I really appreciate all the help.

From: Mooney, Sean K [mailto:sean.k.moo...@intel.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 8:25 AM
To: Gabe Black
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>; Mooney, Sean 
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

The nosharepages  element unfortunately has a different meaning.

The <nosharepages> element sets the -mem-merge=on|off parameter on the qemu 

Where as setting the memAccess attribute on the numa cell resulting in the 
hugepage file being mmap'd as shared instead of private.

<model fallback="allow"/>
<topology threads="1" cores="1" sockets="8"/>
<cell id="0" unit="KiB" memAccess="shared" memory="4190208" cpus="0-7"/>

The following Libvirt xml fragment will create a vhost-user port

<mac address="fa:16:3e:cd:81:4a"/>
<source type="unix" mode="client" path="/var/run/openvswitch/vhuc37437e9-0d"/>
<model type="virtio"/>
<alias name="net0"/>
<address type="pci" bus="0x00" function="0x0" slot="0x03" domain="0x0000"/>

The important line is
<source type="unix" mode="client" path="/var/run/openvswitch/vhuc37437e9-0d"/>

Type select the connection type  eg a unix socket
Mode sets who will create the socket. Clinet mode meads the socket will be 
created by ovs as part of the add-port.
In server mode the socket is created by the qemu process however this is not 
compatible with dpdk/ovs at this time.

And finally the path to the socket.

The name of the port created with add-port will be used as the name of the 

If you are booting with openstack, nova will generate the correct Libvirt xml.


From: Gabe Black [mailto:gabe.bl...@viavisolutions.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:18 PM
To: Mooney, Sean K
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Hi Sean,

Thank you for the detailed reply.  I think I finally just discovered the 
permission denied issue, and I think it is actually related to apparmor.  I'm 
not sure if the configuration in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ibvirtd is complete 
for Ubuntu installations.

I didn't know what might be missing in that config, so for the sake of 
progress, I simply disabled apparmor altogether (simply stopping the service 
wasn't enough, had to disable the service and reboot).  I hope that information 
is useful as you guys transition to testing on Ubuntu.

I saw in the documentation that the memory backing needed to be shared, and the 
libvirt documentation seemed to indicate that that hugetable backing is shared 
by default http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsMemoryBacking
...  so all I specified was (i.e. I omitted the <nosharepages> element):




Wouldn't omitting the <nosharepages> be sufficient?

I noticed that you didn't include any sort of xml for connecting to the 
vhost-user-1 socket.  Isn't that required?

Thanks again,

From: Mooney, Sean K [mailto:sean.k.moo...@intel.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:05 PM
To: Gabe Black
Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>; Mooney, Sean 
Subject: RE: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Hello Gabriel,

Thanks for trying our code :)

Sorry for the long email but I will try to answer all your questions.

We used to support deploying on ubuntu 12.04 however for the last 9 months we 
have not had capacity to

Test our deployment code on Ubuntu. It is good timing however as we are 
currently working on updating our deployment

code to work on Ubuntu.

I have just opened  a bug to track this here 

Just as a side note we are currently updateing our documentation to include a 
short getting started guide for

Fedora 21. When we close the above bug we will update the getting started guide 
we information regarding deployment

On ubunutu also. The current fedora guide can be found here 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214156/2 however it

will not solve your current issues.

Currently we are investigating a number of issues relating to Ubuntu deployment.

We are aware of the su command limitation on Ubuntu and will be updating our 
code to make it compatible.

On Ubuntu 12.04 there previously was both a "libvirt-qemu" user and group

On 14.04 I belive the "libvirt-qemu" group has changed to "kvm"

On Ubuntu 15.04 you should have a new enough Libvirt and qemu installed by 

On 14.04 the kilo branch of the Ubuntu cloud archive will provide the correct 
qemu and Libvirt versions.

In general I recommend Libvirt 1.2.13+ and qemu 2.2+

If you are manually booting with vhost-user  via Libvirt  in addition to 
specify  the memory backing element




You also need set the hugepages to be mapped as shared.

This can be done via the numa element in the Libvirt xml



      <cell id='0' cpus='0-3' memory='512000' unit='KiB' memAccess='shared'/>


When booting vms with OpenStack this limitation was worked around in our qemu 
wrapper script for kilo and has be fixed upstream in the liberty nova tree.

The following message can be safely ignored.

2015-08-18T22:20:28Z|00011|dpif_netlink|ERR|Generic Netlink family 
'ovs_datapath' does not exist. The Open vSwitch kernel module is probably not 

As part of the plugin we also unload the  kernel module but as it is not 
required when using dpdk.

This error message is issues because our devstack plugin does not currently 
create the bridges and set their datapath to netdev as a single atomic command.

As a result the bridge is initially created with the kernel datapath then 
updated to the netdev datapath resulting in the above warning.

On to your actual question it think the permission denied issue is related to 
the su issues mentioned previously.

Instead of changing

"sudo su -g $qemu_group ..." to "sg $qemu_group ..."

When starting ovs-vswitchd can you change it as follow

"sudo su -g $qemu_group -c..." to "sudo -g $qemu_group  ..."

The command our service file uses to start ovs is as follows

screen -dms ovs-vswitchd sudo su -g $qemu_group -c "umask 002; 
${OVS_INSTALL_DIR}/sbin/ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c $OVS_CORE_MASK -n 
$OVS_MEM_CHANNELS  --proc-type primary  --huge-dir $OVS_HUGEPAGE_MOUNT 
--socket-mem $OVS_SOCKET_MEM $pciAddressWhitelist -- unix:$OVS_DB_SOCKET 2>&1 | 
tee ${OVS_LOG_DIR}/ovs-vswitchd.log"

that is rather log but the important parts are as follows.

umask 002 changes the default file creation mode for the ovs-vswitchd process 
to itself and its group.

su -g $qemu_group changes the default group the ovs-vswitchd process runs as 
part of to the same group as the qemu process.

And obviously the  sudo causes the ovs-vswitchd process to run as the root user.

sudo support setting the group with the -g flag directly so su is not needed.

The result of combining  these command is that all vhost-user socket created by 
ovs will be owned by the root user and the Libvirt-qemu users group(previously 
"libvirt-qemu" now  "kvm")

Finally to boot a vm successfully via openstack you will need to create a 
symlink between /usr/var/run/openvswitch and /var/run/openvswitch.

The base path for the vhost-user socket is a constant in our mechanism driver 
as it must be the same on all compute nodes regardless of the operating system.

On a side note If anyone knows the correct configure options to specify that 
binaries should be installed in /usr/bin and all unix socket (ovsdb,ovs-vswictd 
and vhost-user) should be created in /var/run/openvswitch please let me know.

Currently we use ./configure --with-dpdk=${OVS_DPDK_DIR}/${RTE_TARGET} 

However on fedora unix sockets are created in /var/run/openvswitch and on 
Ubuntu they are created in /usr/var/run/openvswitch

I am not sure if the information above will resolve your issues but as I said 
at the start of the email we are currently working to update our scripts to 
enable ubuntu support.



-----Original Message-----

From: Gabe Black [mailto:gabe.bl...@viavisolutions.com]

Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 12:33 AM

To: Mooney, Sean K

Cc: John Lange; b...@openvswitch.org<mailto:b...@openvswitch.org>

Subject: DPDK OVS on Ubuntu 15.04

Hi Sean,

I have carried on where my colleague John Lange left off.  I have installed 
Ubuntu 15.04 which has kilo support but instead have used the devstack from 
https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack to install everything.

For now, I am trying to get a single host set up to try and keep it as simple 
as possible.

I have used the sample configuration file you suggested for an all in one node 
provided here 

Changes that I have made in order to get things to work on Ubuntu, are the 



+    qemu_group=`id -ng $qemu_group`

Also lines 463, and 471 I changed the command running in the screen from 
running "sudo su -g $qemu_group ..." to "sg $qemu_group ..."


The reason for these changes is that on Ubuntu the "-g" option does not exist 
on the su command, so /etc/init.d/ovs-dpdk fails to start.  Also the name 
"libvirt-qemu" is not the group name, but rather the user.

It seems that with those changes devstack.sh is be able to complete.


There were a few messages that made me wonder if all was well; for example the 
ovs-vswitchd.log file had the following:


2015-08-18T22:20:28Z|00011|dpif_netlink|ERR|Generic Netlink family 
'ovs_datapath' does not exist. The Open vSwitch kernel module is probably not 


Also, creating the vhost user port resulted in the following: (note, the 
ovs-vsctl add-port... command to create the vhost-user did not complain) ...

VHOST_CONFIG: socket created, fd:52

VHOST_CONFIG: bind to /usr/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user-1

/usr/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user-1 created for vhost-user port vhost-user-1 
2015-08-18T22:33:01Z|00078|dpif_netdev|ERR|Cannot create pmd threads due to out 
of unpinned cores on numa node 2015-08-18T22:33:01Z|00079|bridge|INFO|bridge 
br-p6p1: added interface vhost-user-1 on port 3 ...

I never attempted to pin any cores, but it made me wonder if something might be 
incomplete... (I'm running on a dual quad core (with hyperthreading)).


Anyway, I added the following sections to my VM's libvirt qemu xml 
(/etc/libvirt/qemu/ubuntutrusty.xml) file to try and have it take the 
vhost-user interface, as well as ensure the VM is backed by hugetable memory.  
These are the sections I added:

Hugetable-backed memory:




Vhost-user interface (I tried using the <interface type="vhostuser">... but 
virsh edit would complain about it not validating against domain.rng... I 
thought it would be supported... running 1.2.12 ) <qemu:commandline>

    <qemu:arg value='-chardev'/>


    <qemu:arg value='-netdev'/>

    <qemu:arg value='type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char1,vhostforce'/>

    <qemu:arg value='-device'/>

    <qemu:arg value='virtio-net-pci,mac=54:53:00:6a:b3:00,netdev=mynet1'/>


Ok, so this finally brings me to my query for assistance:  When I try and 
launch the VM (via virt-manager), it complains about two things:

1) "process exited while connecting to monitor: /usr/bin/kvm-spice: line 36: 
/tmp/qemu.orig: Permission denied"

- I tried chmod 777 that file just to allow anyone to write/access that file, 
and it is getting the command written to it, but that error message still 
shows... Don't know if that is important..

2) qemu-system-x86_64: -chardev 
socket,id=char1,path=/usr/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user-1: Failed to connect 
to socket: Permission Denied.

I've tried messing with group/user config variables in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf 
and /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf but most of the time I then get devstack's n-cpu 
unable to connect to libvirtd (similar permission error).

I feel I am close, and would appreciate any advice you might have.

Very best,

Gabriel Black

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