Hi Laavanye,
Welcome to the DHIS 2 community and good look with your Android Dashboard
On 30 Apr 2016 10:42, "LAAVANYE BAHL" wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am Laavanye Bahl studying Software Engineering at Delhi Technological
> University, India. I have a lot of experience in sof
e for this system setting should be
Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo
Mobile: +47 48069736
Home address: Eftasåsen 68, 0687 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps link
Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo
Mobile: +47 48069736
Home address: Eftasåsen 68, 0687 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps link
uot; />
Virusfri. https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail";
target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avast.com
Public bug reported:
In the validation rule report presented after running the validation
rules there are a lot of unnecessary periods displayed that can easily
make the report useless in the sense that it is very difficult to see
the "real" data violations.
The report should only display periods
Could this:
be a way to provide runtime switching of dhis2 databases?
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest
ion. If not, please let me know.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Website: www.healthmetricsnetwork.org
Better Information. Better Decisi
months, that is
why it is not exactly 12, but very close to 12 at least.
Your problem seems to be the dnominator data typed into DHIS.
Is the annual value really 451.5 or is that a montly estimate of the annual
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World
2009/7/22 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> Hi,
> If the annual denominator value is 451.5 and the monthly numerator value is
> 149 then the annualised monthly value of 401.5 % is correct.
> Num x Factor = 149 x 12 (approx.) x 100 = 178 000
> Ind value is then 178
es is around 12 yes, depending
as you say on the # of days of the actual month.
Annualisation factor for quarterly values is arounf 4, for weekly about 52.
As you see the annualisation factor depends on the period type of the output
> Johan
> >
> > Ola Hodne Titl
> > 2009/7/22 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> If the annual denominator value is 451.5 and the monthly numerator value
> >> is
> >> 149 then the annualised monthly value of 401.5 % is correct.
> >>
> &g
From: Paul Amendola
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:01:53 -0400
Subject: RE: [Dhis2-devs] Offline Question
To: Ola Hodne Titlestad
Hi Ola
Thanks again for all of the help. Sorry, but I have one more quick
question - I exported the metadata from the online version. But in the
import to the
2009/8/5 Bob Jolliffe
> Thanks Lars. I will take responsibility for putting together and
> implementing a plan of action for this. This will have to include absorbing
> the learning from the various integration efforts which have happened -
> there is the work Abyot has done, there is work Phum
2009/8/26 Lars Helge Øverland
> Hi,
> I have been thinking about removing the Source object from the API.
> The abstract Source class was introduced in the model in order to
> allow for multiple implementations of Sources in the system. Currently
> we only have the OrganisationUnit object exten
> revno: 510
> committer: Lars Helge Oeverland larshe...@gmail.com
> branch nick: trunk
> timestamp: Wed 2009-08-26 15:53:35 +0200
> message:
> Removed the progress bar from the login screen as this now is obsolete.
> modif
It shouldn't require that much work though.
I remember we added support for H2 some months back, and it didn't take that
much time, at least that was my impression.
2009/8/27 Knut Staring
> 2009/8/27 Lars Helge Øverland
>> There is a lot direct JDBC operations goi
2009/8/27 Jo Størset
> Den 26. aug.. 2009 kl. 20.07 skrev Lars Helge Øverland:
>> DHIS 2.0.2 release candidate 1 can be downloaded here.
>> http://folk.uio.no/larshelg/dhis2/dhis-2.0.2-rc1.war
>> Please test and provide feedback.
> Along with other developments, this kind o
Hi VN team and visitors,
Great work guys.
Look forward to test out these "new" (globalised) Vietnamese modules.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.in
Public bug reported:
When clicking on Data Administration in the top menu, the data locking page
appears, as it is the default page for Data Administration.
I think the Data Statistics page would be a much more useful default page here.
(I know this is not a bug as such, but since blueprints are
Public bug reported:
Data Browser:
When selecting the Browse by: Orguint option, a heading with Select Orgunit
Parent appears, but there is no tree underneath it.
The left side menu is not an orgunit tree either so it is not possible to
select an orgunit and therefore impossible to continue. If
2009/9/3 Lars Helge Øverland
> Have been thinking the same, only on large databases the numbers of
> datavalues and the chart take some time to load which maybe makes it not a
> perfect opening screen...
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Ola Hodne Titlestad
> wr
e the database,
and should such a tool be packaged with the installation perhaps?
How do you suggest I debug this problem?
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel
2009/9/3 Jo Størset
> Den 3. sep. 2009 kl. 17.12 skrev Lars Helge Øverland:
> > On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Ola Hodne Titlestad
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I see that point about loading time.
> >>
> >> What of the default/opening page
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Website: www.healthmetricsnetwork.org
Better Information. Better Decisions. Better Health.
2009/9/3 Lars
eside the relevant function which displays a popup when clicked. A
>> non-developer could write the doc/help text and a note of where it should
>> be.
>> Lars
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Ola Hodne Titlestad
>> wrote:
>>> We
Great work guys,
Hope you are finally sleeping now or even better, having a well deserved
celebration out in Saigon by night.
2009/9/6 Lars Helge Øverland
> Version 2.0.2 has been committed to trunk at revision 615. More info will
> come soon.
> The most exciting news is
Public bug reported:
Currently all the map files (geojson) needed for the GIS module are stored in
mapping/geojson in the dhis webapps folder.
I can see the benefit from distributing these files together with the source
code and inside war files, but often you will create these files locally and
** Description changed:
- Running 2.0.2 on a MySQL database. This is the log from prune periods
+ Running 2.0.2 on a MySQL database. Below is the log from prune periods
(in Data Admin->Maintenance).
+ The periods cannot be deleted because they are referenced in a report
+ table and in a saved
Public bug reported:
Running 2.0.2 on a MySQL database. This is the log from prune periods
(in Data Admin->Maintenance).
* INFO 10:38:13,172 Deleted period with id: 590 (PerformMaintenanceAction.java
* INFO 10:38:13,187 Deleted objects associatied with object of type Period
exception: (BasicResourcePool.java
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for
user "sa"
Looks like your database wasn't running or the connection properties are
Ola Hodne Title
Public bug reported:
GIS module (dhis-web-mapping):
I just downloaded the new DHIS 2.0.2 live and tried the GIS module.
There is a funny bug in the GUI as all lists that are supposed to show
available/registered maps show names of orgunit levels instead
(Country,Province,District, Municipality,
I think it was in the backup of the svn repo I gave you Lars, from July
2008. These students were the batch before (Spring 08) the crash. We should
also contact the main developer from that group, he might have it.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World
zoom on mouse click doable within the current model/technology?
Another useful feature would be to display numerator and denominator data
for the indicator values. Could this be done on info lines at the bottom of
the window or similar?
Guess these ideas belong in separate blueprints....
The user manual developed in India is on word format, have a look here:
Which is linked from the front page of hisp.info (and should be linked from
dhis2.com as well, but it is not at the moment).
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics
f not,
that basically means that the war file distributed to all installations that
needs this module is 14 mb bigger..
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel
nthly append process is what we need, but not sure
So lots of activity around Excel and scope for collaboration and sharing
of code and ideas I guess...
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switze
Some quick question on the new community system development process:
>From the latest commits to the branch called dhis-patient I assume
development on the community based system has moved from dhis-chis to
dhis-patient? Can't find any mentioning of this in the list though.
dhis-patient was b
can be checked out (downloaded) by anyone, the restriction is on making
changes to the code.
2009/9/24 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> Hi,
> Some quick question on the new community system development process:
> From the latest commits to the branch called dhis-patient I assum
All bugs are global, all bug fixing efforts are global. One happy global bug
2009/9/25 Hieu Dang Duy
> Dear Thuy,
> Sorry Lars, may I have a suggestion like that, because Vietnam's excel
> reporting module had been approved in trunk branch as a global module. Thus,
> I think all its b
2009/9/25 Bob Jolliffe
> Hi Jason
> 2009/9/25 Jason Pickering
>> Hi there.
>> My basic issue with the category/category combo is that it appears to be a
>> one-to-one relationship with data elements. If I look at the data model,
>> there is a one-to-one relationship between dataelement an
assume you
already have the Zanzibar db though. Johan, Edem or Romain might help with
Sierra Leone indicators, John with India indicators and Jason for Zambia.
Would be great if we could set up a repository of all of them somewhere.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN
2009/9/26 Lars Helge Øverland
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am very sure about this and have discussed with Jan separately that
>> blank values are reported/displayed as 0 on maps.
>> I will see if I can dig out the dis
2009/9/29 Jason Pickering
> > Yes there is a slight inconsistency here. Still, I think this is as good
> as
> > we get it. Remember that we (in most cases, except for "average"
> > dataelements) don't store 0s in the raw datavalue table. This means that
> the
> > 0s you would get in the agg.datav
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Website: www.healthmetricsnetwork.org
Better Information. Better Decisions. B
think. And my understanding is that it is used in openmrs for
exactly the same reason. Why do you see DHIS as different from OpenMRS when
it comes to using liquibase?
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Jolliffe
> Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 11:54:08
> To: Ola
2009/9/30 Bob Jolliffe
> OK. I've reached the conclusion that the model can and probably should be
> simplified, but it is really far too much work for what I have time for
> now. The categoryoptioncombo is already deeply ingrained in many parts of
> the system. So don't hold your breath.
sets if we decouple them a bit, and allow multiple
datasets to be part of one form.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
2009/10/1 Abyot Gizaw
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> It is still not clear to me how the
>> >> multidimensional data elements are used to calculate indicators in the
>> >> same was as PODE (plain ol,d data element). I guess t
> Don't trust people from WHO :) You might even encounter a militant
> gender-health specialist, who will say that ALL diseases must be split
> into genders, and this ratio is the centre of the universe (I'm not
> kidding, I met one in Botswana). That is not to say that your examples ar
2009/10/1 Bob Jolliffe
> Jason,
> 2009/10/1 Jason Pickering
> Abyot..
>> > Can you explain me this further? Because if I got you correct - you are
>> > saying you couldn't do aggregation by dimesnsions which are not included
>> in
>> > the category combos.
>> I think it is clear tha
2009/10/1 Knut Staring
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:16 PM, wrote:
>> > Here is my suggestion, based on all the mails above, so that we can
>> > develop all of this into a blueprint/specification.
>> >
>> > 1) Categories and category options should be left essentially as is.
>> > 2) Data element
2009/10/8 Lars Helge Øverland
> > Bug description:
> > When create new Org Unit, After set all information such as name, short
> > name, select of Org Unit group set. If we don't choose one of org unit
> > group set. then click Save button, the Organization unit management page
> > isn't generat
Gapminder was discussed during the Goa workshop in July, here is a relevant
cut from the summary that was sent out by Sundeep:
"GapMinder was presented by Greg Rowles from HISP South Africa. This is a
very interesting data visualization tool that has been developed by Dr. Hans
It's worth noting that this story is actually on the WHO front page today:
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Hi all,
Just to clarify (on the technical issue and not the politics (leave that to
Lars fixed this by editing the pom.xml file in dhis-2/dhis-web/ (line 25
This file controls which mod
Just came across Jason's blueprint and also found this email.
This functionality exists for DXF data import, so I assume it should be
fairly straightforward to add it to 1.4 import as well.
I also see this as an importa
In a bit longer perspective it would be great if we could include a
mainstream excel import as part of the import service. We've discussed this
before. There is a great need for this and we already have a blueprint if I
remember correctly. The idea was to have predefined (generated by DHIS)
excel s
Since Abyot brought up redesign of how we do forms I would like to use this
opportunity to discuss some ideas I have been playing around with lately.*
General comment on redesign of data entry forms*
I'd like to see data entry forms more decoupled from data sets in general.
There are many use
To follow up on our long debated discussion on the multidimensional model I
have updated a blueprint on how to make use of this model within the
existing concepts of datamart and report table. The blueprint is here:
Great work.
Hopefully we can soon provide an up to date demo at demo.dhis2.org.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
A few comments/suggestions:
The demo link on http://dhis2.org/node/8 does not work. Maybe use Knut's
link for now.
I like the functionality page, it is attractive. Although I have a few
suggestions to make it better cover all key aspects of DHIS.
Maybe add something like:
*Edit all your m
2009/10/27 Knut Staring
> Hello,
> It is very unfortunate that it is so complicated to get hold of the latest
> source code.
In addition to the bazaar repo, I suggest we distribute the source code as a
tar ball and zip file with every release. This is an easy and common way to
distribute th
2009/10/27 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> 2009/10/27 Knut Staring
> Hello,
>> It is very unfortunate that it is so complicated to get hold of the latest
>> source code.
> In addition to the bazaar repo, I suggest we distribute the source code as
2009/10/27 Lars Helge Øverland
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
>> It seems to me we are missing a level of grouping. We need to group
>> dataelements which have similar dimensionality (presumably using a DataSet)
>> and we also need to group the dataelements which mi
2009/10/27 Lars Helge Øverland
> 2009/10/27 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> 2009/10/27 Lars Helge Øverland
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
>>>> It seems to me we are missing a level o
2009/10/27 Jason Pickering
> Howdy. I have managed to modify, I think, the directory structure a
> bit to make the creation of multilingual version of documents a bit
> more manageable. I will update the documentation guide soon on exactly
> what the procedure is. Briefly, all documents for a giv
Thanks Bob,
Sort of related to this, do we have a blueprint for improvements to DXF,
specifically adding new types of metadata to DXF and the import/export
process (reality as you call it)?
There are still some important metadata that are not supported in
DXF/import-export which makes updating DH
2009/10/28 Bob Jolliffe
> OK. Enabled Path module (Clean URLs were already enabled) and now when you
> edit a page there is an option to set the "user friendly" url.
> So before where we had http://dhis2.org/node/9 we now have
> http://dhis2.org/documentation. Cool.
> Will both continue to
2009/10/29 Lars Helge Øverland
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Hieu Dang Duy > wrote:
>> Dear Thuy,
>> I think your bug will be fixed as soon as possible from someone's help on
>> it. Abyota, maybe.
>> Previously, it's a joking mail less down your stress. I always know that
>> "one b
2009/10/30 Lars Helge Øverland
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Jason Pickering <
> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The rest of the content of this mail can be ignored, but anyway, my
>> feelings on this.
>> We MUST simplify the number of sites. I know of the following tha
2009/10/30 Bob Jolliffe
> I am currently struggling to build dhis2 correctly :-( I think it reflects
> my fairly thin grasp on the workings of maven.
> Let me retrace my steps:
> 1. cd
> mvn clean install -Dtest=skip -DfailIfNoTests=false
> 2. cd dhis-web
> mvn clean install -Dtest=skip
2009/10/30 Jason Pickering
> Could some one remind me once again what the point of having a
> category option in two separate categories is? is there a use case
> here? It does not seem totally obvious, but maybe I am missing
> something.
I'll give it a try:
Here are two categorycombos and t
2009/10/30 Jason Pickering
> OK, I took a walk around the block to think about this a bit more. I
> think it does, make sense, sort of. Lets look at "Total", which might
> be defined as a calculated data element, say composed of different age
> groups. But the "Total" in this category, would not
on service Lars is working on.
I was
> assuming that I would need explicitly define a separate, calculated
> element for this.
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Ola Hodne Titlestad
> wrote:
> > 2009/10/30 Jason Pickering
2009/10/30 Ola Hodne Titlestad
> 2009/10/30 Lars Helge Øverland
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Jason Pickering <
>> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The rest of the content of this mail can be ignored, but anywa
Public bug reported:
HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action mapped for namespace /dhis-web-
maintenance-datadictionary and action name listDataElementGroupSet.
** Affects: dhis2
Importance: Undecided
Status: New
Cannot list data element group sets
data set.
Combined with SDMX-DH export functionality that would be a great package to
provide to countries implementing DHIS and other related systems.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
for a manual data mart export.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Website: www.healthmetricsnetwork.org
Better Information. Better Decisio
functionality of the analysis tool
that is creating this problem than anything else.
I don't think it makes sense to convert data elements such as population
estimates, number of staff of type X to indicators.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World H
Or simply run the .sh or .bat script that Jason has put in the root of the
docs project (which incl. the pdf generation Jo mentioned).
2009/11/16 Jo Størset
> Den 16. nov. 2009 kl. 08.05 skrev Knut Staring:
> > Building the documentation went without a hitch the first time, but
2009/11/17 Jo Størset
> Hi,
> I have set up a basic hudson server on [1]. Expect changes to the setup,
> but initially it does give som small benefits.
> [2] should be the current trunk version of dhis.war, [3] should list the
> pdf versions of current documentation. I´m not sure how useful i
2009/11/18 Lars Helge Øverland
> 2009/11/18 Knut Staring
>> 2009/11/18 Lars Helge Øverland
>>> Hi there,
>>> there has recently been some nice contributions to the documentation
>>> writing, which is great.
>>> I was wondering about this:
>>> 1. Could we quickly and
This is spam Knut...
Have a look here:
2009/11/19 Knut Staring
> Interesting tool: http://www.liquibase.org/
> --
> Cheers,
> Knut Staring
> _
Hopefully HISP India will have taken this even further after spending much
time with iHRIS people this and the coming week.
S can pull
from DHIS). Ideally we could streamline some of these data elements (incl.
dimensions) and reuse across countries.
Look forward to more updates from India on this. Again, thanks for sharing
these news.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World H
We will continue to keep confluence up an running for now, and keep
hisp.info pointing to the confluence homepage.
Most likely turning off the memory intensive daily backups will make sure
its more stable, time will show.
We definitely need a migration plan for some of the documentation on
Hi Yusuph,
I agree, that is a nice feature of DHIS 1.4.
I remember it was discussed long time ago, not sure why it was never
prioritised or implemented.
There are two specific features here if I remember correctly.
1) The ability to move all data in a form instance (orgunit+period+dataset)
I am not sure this should go into the dataadmin module if that is what you
are thinking Lars.
I understand your reasoning I guess, but the most common use case is a data
entry clerk e.g. at a district that is filling in forms for 15 clinics every
month and makes a mistake like selecting the w
Yusuph created a blueprint here:
-which I have now updated with the text from this discussion.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27
, before doing to much here I would thing that it makes sense to look at
the bigger picture first.
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
** Changed in: dhis2
Status: Fix Committed => In Progress
Exclusive group set structure fails
You received this bug notification because you are a member of DHIS 2
developers, which is subscribed to DHIS.
Status in DHIS 2 - District Health Informa
Reopening this bug.
The SQL syntax generated for the create table statement does not handle
groupset names with spaces e.g. "Group Set A" would simply be converted
to a column with the name "Group Set A" which is not accepted in SQL. In
stead the column name should be Group_Set_A" or use some othe
Public bug reported:
I have tested the new type of report table called Data Element Dimension
table in Reports->Report Tables and have discovered a few issues:
* The viewing of subtotals and totals in html, excel, and csv has not
been implemented although the actual table generated in the databas
The aggregation problems are most likely database specific because of
the changes made to the multidimensional model:
Lars wrote:
The only change (not including additions) we did to the database schema was to
make the relationship between category and category option one-to-many (was
Thanks for the info Lars. I'm not 100% sure, but It seems the problem
goes beyond the category-catoptions problem. Example 1 should not be
affected by that, and in stead it seems to be affected by a similar
multiple reference at the catcombo-category level. Fixed/Outreach
appears in two different c
And the categoryid column in the dataelementcategoryoption table is
empty for all rows not sure why?
ReportTable: DataElement dimension tables do not work correctly
You received this bug notification because you are a member of DHIS 2
developers, whic
Public bug reported:
Got this exception in data entry when opening a new multidimensional
form I just created (data set called EPI multidimensional) on the online
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
ption in data entry when opeining the form for
dataset multi AA.
Seems the datasets need better validation in terms of multidimensional
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: ti
The catcombo I am using is called EPI_Age_Place
Ola Hodne Titlestad |Technical Officer|
Health Metrics Network (HMN) | World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20 |1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland | Email: titlest...@who.int|Tel:
+41 788216897
Website: www.healthmetricsnetwork.org
Better Information
I can confirm that all three examples from point five above now work as
Thanks Lars.
I have updated point 3) to include order of category options in the
ReportTable: DataElement dimension tables do not work correctly
You received this
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