above and from what has transpired since, that individual users just
aren't all that important to Jolla.
I look forward to being proved wrong!
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been wisely pointed out here, it makes sense to
live with what we have until SFOS 3 comes out, rather than try to cobble
something together now and have it break in a few weeks.
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said Leszek Lesner:
| Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 19:53:40 CEST schrieb dep:
| > While I'm here -- is there any mechanism for easily passing
| > commandline parameters to an application and giving that application,
| > with the parameters, an icon?
| If you mean to just crea
there any mechanism for easily passing commandline
parameters to an application and giving that application, with the
parameters, an icon?
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little knowledge other than wheels being round.
Is there such a thing?
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Browser (though not Web Pirate
or the other browser on OpenRepos), which is why it seemed that making a
web application, adding notifivations, might be the way to go. The
Electron app simply emulates the ProtonMail webmail page.
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said Tone Kastlunger:
| I don't understand.
| You say there's a x86 and a Mac version. Is code available?
Nope. Only binaries. I've asked -- begged, actually -- for them to compile
it for ARM, but no joy.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. Because
fications don't work. And things like attachments, both ways, are
kind of flaky. And I need to have a whole Android support system, just for
ProtonMail, which kinda sucks.
ProtonMail+Sailfish X+Sony Xperia X
=Freedom from Googledroid evil
Original Message
On Oct 20,