Am Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 09:09:32 CEST schrieb 不瘦十斤不改名字:
> 给我个说法啊,信用卡付了款,不能用安卓虚拟机
officially only supported in Europe right now.
However nothing stops you from using a VPN
(translate by google)
> -- 原始邮件 --
> 发件人:
Am Dienstag, 14. April 2020, 09:07:05 CEST schrieb 不瘦十斤不改名字:
> 我的怎么用不了虚拟安卓,已付款
Because it is licenses work by another company that did not open source their
integration of Android into the system.
(translate by google)
> -- 原始邮件 --
Take a look at the source code of tux-chara
E.S. Rosenberg schrieb
>Hi all,
>Has anyone ever implemented a "floating" object in QML, specifically I am
>interested in implementing a VideoOutput area that "floats" like the
Instead I would suggest putting more and more work in quality control and
having a team that tries to do the best they can for a smooth transition to Qt
Leszek Lesner
> Kind regards,
> Dylan Van Assche
> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
> Origina
Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 19:53:40 CEST schrieb dep:
> While I'm here -- is there any mechanism for easily passing commandline
> parameters to an application and giving that application, with the
> parameters, an icon?
If you mean to just create an Icon for an already existing application but w
Upps. Part 2 (accidentally pressed send)
Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 19:27:07 CEST schrieb dep:
> I'd hope to add notifications, preferably via daemon in
> the same way that we can get texts without the Messages app being open,
> and a proper download path for attachments and such
That is hard
Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 19:27:07 CEST schrieb dep:
> I think it needs to be
> gecko-based because while I can log in to the ProtonMail webmail page via
> the Jolla browser, I can't with either Web Pirate or Webcat.
Have you tried installing the QtWebkit 5.212 packages I provide on openre