You can try to use signals and slots like this:
class // ...
// ...
void somethingWasDone();
// ...
someMethod() {
// Do something
emit somethingWasDone();
// ...
// ...
Connections {
target: // Your module
Hi All
I now have a working work-around: My app can (finally) send SMSes via
Telepathy again.
Previously I was using ContactMessenger object. Now I have found a
vector using the ConversationChannel object. It took a lot of hacking
around due to my weak understanding of c++, but in the end I
> for properties system you should use Q_PROPERTY macro inside your class.
Since i have to access properties of a class declared inside another class
i find using the macro Q_PROPERTY a little confusing.
> Actually, I think you're creating a new instance of the FirstPage.qml
> component using
Actually, I think you're creating a new instance of the FirstPage.qml
component using this code. But, Sailfish should have already created
its own instance of that page when it started up.
You might instead try retrieving a view of the Sailfish instance and
going from there, something like th
for properties system you should use Q_PROPERTY macro inside your class.
-- Исходное сообщение --
От: "Antonio Mancini"
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers"
Отправлено: 13.08.2015 18:14:29
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Accessing C++ properties from QML
Hi all, i need to access a property of a C++ Cl
Thanks, actually i had already seen that but couldn't accomplish much, now
i tried again and i managed to access and edit qml properties, but the QML
object doesn't update.
i use this code in a c++ method
QQmlEngine engine;
> QQmlComponent component (&engine,
> "/usr/share/harbour-pocketm
try having a look at this
2015-08-13 14:14 GMT+01:00 Antonio Mancini :
> Hi all, i need to access a property of a C++ Class, declared inside
> another class, from QML.
> This is the principal class:
> #ifndef MANAGER_H
Hi all, i need to access a property of a C++ Class, declared inside another
class, from QML.
This is the principal class:
#ifndef MANAGER_H
> #define MANAGER_H
> #include
> #include
> #include
> #include "monster.h"
> #include "move.h"
> #include "turnmanager.h"
> class Manager : public