a good default behavior given typical use cases.
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcgonigle/bill.m
output of userland
tools). Probably this already exists, right?
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcg
Welcome, Jaroslav!
Thank you for packaging your software for Fedora.
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcgonigle
something, or perhaps it's not public and there's
a way to request a query? A count of
"^/dev/md.*/boot" records would be the useful metric.
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfc
azy and decided to just hack up
> the spec to build the version I need locally rather than do anything to
> 'properly' fix up the packages.
Oh, good. Is it 2.40.61? If so, the real work to be done is in combining the
three sub-builds into one .spec and then applying for a new
with the existing SPEC with
trivial updates.
Can somebody recommend an existing package to use as an example that
maintains multiple versions of a source tree to build multiple versions
of the main binary?
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
pple will drop support for
OSX 10.5 and within a short time leave Mac G4 users without security
updates - there's a lot of decent hardware out there that's not quite
five years old yet. Fedora 15 on ppc32 might just gain a number of new
users at that point.
Thanks for all the work!
resolved and just need admin tending. Could
somebod[y,ies] with privileges please reassign the bugs to the current
component maintainers?
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://
through f16 first or
do a DVD upgrade, but those are somewhat less elegant and much more
bandwidth intensive.
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard
On 07/25/2012 12:43 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
Change the link to:
That's 013-15.fc16; we need 009-13, -14, or -15.fc15. Those seem to all
be deleted from koji, even source.
Is source kept in git for older builds?
me a large amount of download time (more kudos all around).
I put up the RPM's and SRPM here:
Anybody want to put them on their fedorapeople or sponsor me for
fedorapeople? I can fix the wiki link.
Bill McGonigle, O
e are any new dracut tricks that will be
required for f18).
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcgonigle/bill.mcgo
s for testing and NAK'ing the broken one!
Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.855.SW.LIBRE
Email, IM, VOIP: b...@bfccomputing.com
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf
Social networks: bill_mcgonigle/bill.mcgonigle
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