icinc.com> >
Cc: 'Ard Biesheuvel' mailto:a...@kernel.org> >;
sam.kay...@arm.com <mailto:sam.kay...@arm.com> ; dougfl...@microsoft.com
<mailto:dougfl...@microsoft.com> ; Mathews, John mailto:john.math...@intel.com> >; Li, Yi1 mailto:yi1...@intel.com> >; Yao, Ji
.com <mailto:sam.kay...@arm.com> ; dougfl...@microsoft.com
<mailto:dougfl...@microsoft.com> ; Mathews, John mailto:john.math...@intel.com> >; Li, Yi1 mailto:yi1...@intel.com> >; Yao, Jiewen mailto:jiewen@intel.com> >
Subject: 回复: [edk2-devel] Soft Feature Freeze s
> ; Mathews, John mailto:john.math...@intel.com> >; Hou, Wenxing mailto:wenxing....@intel.com> >; Li, Yi1 mailto:yi1...@intel.com> >; Yao, Jiewen mailto:jiewen@intel.com> >
Subject: 回复: [edk2-devel] Soft Feature Freeze starts now for edk2-stable202405
' mailto:a...@kernel.org> >;
sam.kay...@arm.com <mailto:sam.kay...@arm.com> ; dougfl...@microsoft.com
<mailto:dougfl...@microsoft.com> ; Mathews, John mailto:john.math...@intel.com> >; Hou, Wenxing mailto:wenxing@intel.com> >
Subject: 回复: [edk2-devel] Soft Feature Fr
Now, there are several patches to catch this table tag. Could you give the
comments for them?
1. Adding support for verbose UEFI Table dumping to Dmem.c
[Liming] This patch set has been reviewed before soft feature freeze. It