Stewards: Now, there are several patches to catch this table tag. Could you give the comments for them?
1. Adding support for verbose UEFI Table dumping to Dmem.c ( [Liming] This patch set has been reviewed before soft feature freeze. It plans to catch this stable tag. 2. MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix AARCH64 compilation error ( [Liming] This bug fix is reviewed in soft feature freeze phase. It plans to catch this stable tag. 3. MdeModulePkg: Potential UINT32 overflow in S3 ResumeCount (https://edk2. [Liming] This security fix is reviewed in soft feature freeze phase. It plans to catch this stable tag. 4. NetworkPkg: CVE-2023-45236 and CVE-2023-45237 ( [Liming] This security fix is still under code review. It plans to catch this stable tag. 5. Add more crypt APIs based on Mbedtls ( [Liming] This patch set passes code review in soft feature freeze phase. It plans to catch this stable tag. Thanks Liming 发件人: <> 代表 gaoliming via 发送时间: 2024年5月7日 9:25 收件人:; 抄送: 'Michael D Kinney' <>; 'Andrew Fish' <>; 'Leif Lindholm' <> 主题: [edk2-devel] Soft Feature Freeze starts now for edk2-stable202405 Hi, all We enter into Soft Feature Freeze phase now. In this phase, the feature under review will not be allowed to be pushed. The feature passed review can still be merged. The patch review can continue without break in edk2 community. If the patch is sent before Soft Feature Freeze, and plans to catch this stable tag, the patch contributor need reply to his patch and notify edk2 community. If the patch is sent after Soft Feature Freeze, and plans to catch this stable tag, please add edk2-stable202405 key words in the patch title and BZ, so the community know this patch target and give the feedback. To avoid the unnecessary changes to be merged in edk2 stable tag release, all edk2 maintainers' write access will be temporarily disabled until stable tag is released on 05-24. That means edk2 maintainer can't set push label in pull request after soft feature freeze starts. If the change wants to catch this stable tag 202405, please follow above rules, then send the merge request to <> or <> . We will help merge the code change in soft feature freeze and hard feature freeze phase. Below is edk2-stable202405 tag planning Proposed Schedule Date (00:00:00 UTC-8) Description 2024-02-23 Beginning of development 2024-05-06 Soft Feature Freeze 2024-05-10 Hard Feature Freeze 2024-05-24 Release Thanks Liming -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#118823): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-