.groups.io; emergings...@gmail.com
Cc: Sivaraman Nainar
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] NetworkPkg:UEFIPXEBC
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Hi Siva,
I am fine
Hi Siva,
I am fine with the patch per se, but I still have problems applying it.
Have you tried following my suggestions from our meeting?
On 24-Jun-21 09:33, INDIA\sivaramann wrote:
Issue on the PxeBcDhcp4CallBack() functions of UEFIPXEBC Driver.
In this function any non allowe
Issue on the PxeBcDhcp4CallBack() functions of UEFIPXEBC Driver.
In this function any non allowed events are recieved as input it
will exit in beginning itself. But the switch case handling the
default and Dhcp4SendRequest which is not reachable.
Signed-off-by: Sivaraman