Re: Intent to Implement: adding vector effects non-scaling-size, non-rotation and fixed-position to SVG

2017-01-31 Thread longsonr
Has there been any feedback from Google, Apple or Microsoft? We've landed stuff preffed off before and had to remove it in the end as it's just so much dead weight without any chance of being preffed on. Unless there's an intent to implement this soon from other vendors we really shouldn't put i

Intent to implement and ship: ping, rel, referrerPolicy, relList, hreflang, type and text properties on SVG elements

2018-04-09 Thread longsonr
Summary: HTML anchor elements have ping, rel, referrerPolicy, relList, hreflang, type and text properties. SVG anchor elements should support these properties too according to the SVG 2 specification and Bug:

Intent to unship constructors on SVGNumber

2018-04-22 Thread longsonr
In I plan to remove the webidl constructors from SVGNumber This functionality is not in any version of the SVG spec, no other browser implements them and we fail a web platform test because of it. _

Intent to unship: SVGViewElement.viewTarget

2018-04-22 Thread longsonr
In I plan to remove our partial implementation of SVGViewElement.viewTarget This was originally in SVG 1, but it never had much use, and we never implemented support for it either, if you actually try to use it you get an error. It has been

Intent to unship support for altGlyph

2016-04-29 Thread longsonr
Hello, We have had minimal support for altGlyph for some time now as an alias for tspan. altGlyph has been dropped from SVG 2 and neither Chrome nor Edge support the -> fallback behaviour, though Safari still does. The patch to remove it from the tree is available at [1]. Best regards, Robe

minimum version of clang will become 3.9 soon.

2018-09-08 Thread longsonr
This is already practically the case as there are unfixed compilation errors with clang 3.8 ( Bug will fix the build tools so they will require at least clang 3.9 and fail early if not. I

Intent to change: dominant-baseline to inherit

2019-07-15 Thread longsonr
In SVG 1.1 dominant-baseline is a reset property. In SVG 2 dominant-baseline's definition changes to inherited. Bug: Standard: and

Intent to unship SVGZoomAndPan interface

2019-09-28 Thread longsonr
Hi, In [1] I intend to unship the SVGZoomAndPan interface. The SVG WG decided to remove this interface in [2] as it's either not implemented at all or does nothing in current implementations. Our implementation is currently the "does nothing" kind i.e. you can get and set the property but it th