Removing "MathML View Source" menu item? [was: Can we remove nsIEntityConverter?]

2017-05-06 Thread Frédéric Wang
ing to remove that feature from the core mozilla source. The only concern I have is for Thunderbird/Seamonkey as it is not clear yet what will be the future regarding WebExtensions. Any opinions? -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Re: Removing "MathML View Source" menu item? [was: Can we remove nsIEntityConverter?]

2017-05-19 Thread Frédéric Wang
ttps:// to remove > MathML view source from m-c. Thanks, maybe a first step would be to remove the usage of nsIEntityConverter as Henri indicated as I don't think it's an important feature (this is

Re: Intent to unship: ::-moz-math-anonymous.

2018-02-21 Thread Frédéric Wang
and/or the font preference menu to select a math font. It should be safe to stop exposing -moz-math-anonymous and -moz-mathml-anonymous-block, if we do. -- Frédéric Wang - ___ dev-platform mailing list

What is the Mac bundle id of Firefox?

2015-10-02 Thread Frédéric Wang
c1fb007137d/ So actually my question becomes: what is the possible values of MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME in the official Mozilla builds? I assume there are at least "Firefox" and "N

What is the Mac bundle id of Firefox?

2015-10-02 Thread Frédéric Wang
c1fb007137d/ So actually my question becomes: what is the possible values of MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME in the official Mozilla builds? I assume there are at least "Firefox" and "N

What is the Mac bundle id of Firefox?

2015-10-02 Thread Frédéric WANG
c1fb007137d/ So actually my question becomes: what is the possible values of MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME in the official Mozilla builds? I assume the values include at least "Firefox" and "N

Re: What is the Mac bundle id of Firefox?

2015-10-02 Thread Frédéric WANG
onkey" >> or "Instantbird" ( >> >> ) >> >> and I don't know whether you care about those or whether they match what >> you (or Mozilla-the-org, or Apple) would consi

Use of C++11 std::unique_ptr for the WOFF2 module

2016-02-01 Thread Frédéric Wang
r std::unique_ptr can be made easily available? Or should we just patch the WOFF2 library to use of std::vector (as was done in earlier version)? Thanks, -- Frédéric Wang [1] ___ dev-platform mailing lis

Re: Use of C++11 std::unique_ptr for the WOFF2 module

2016-02-01 Thread Frédéric Wang
ut linking failed. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Re: Use of C++11 std::unique_ptr for the WOFF2 module

2016-02-01 Thread Frédéric WANG
. Of course, this only applies to this particular case and is not a general replacement for std::unique_ptr Using UniquePtr or a polyfill base on UniquePtr will probably gives a result closer the author's intention. But at the end we will still have to patch the woff2 library in some w

Re: Can we remove nsIEntityConverter?

2016-05-01 Thread Frédéric Wang
t more feedback. (*) -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

MathML Refresh Heads up

2019-03-15 Thread Frédéric Wang
Hello Mozilla developers, As some of you may know, Igalia is working on MathML support in Chromium this year [1]. As part of that effort we joined a new MathML Refresh Community Group [2] and one goal is to focus on a core spec for browser implementations [3] to: - Remove deprecated/uncommon/dupli

Intent to unship: 's mode attribute

2019-08-13 Thread Frédéric Wang
=553917 [3] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to deprecate: named values for 's linethickness attribute

2019-08-16 Thread Frédéric Wang
l-refresh/mathml/issues/4 [3] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to deprecate: named values the mathsize attribute

2019-08-17 Thread Frédéric Wang
reference to disable them in Nighly build. [1] [2] [3] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev

Intent to unship: nonzero unitless MathML lengths

2019-08-18 Thread Frédéric Wang
" in MathML Core [4]. [1] [2] [3] [4] -- Frédéric Wang

Intent to deprecate: mathspace names for MathML lengths

2019-08-20 Thread Frédéric Wang
om/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/75#issuecomment-523016332 -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to unship: Legacy MathML syntax for numbers

2019-08-21 Thread Frédéric Wang
d=1574751#c2 [6] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to unship: Deprecated MathML style attributes

2019-08-23 Thread Frédéric Wang
s:// [3] [4] [5] e.g. -- Fré

Intend to deprecate: XLink attributes on MathML elements

2019-08-24 Thread Frédéric Wang
r2.html#fund.globatt [3] [4] [5] e.g. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list dev-platfo

Re: Intend to deprecate: XLink attributes on MathML elements

2019-08-26 Thread Frédéric Wang
a counter of pages that contained MathML content rendered by Gecko. This is what we plan to use as a reference. We haven't decided about the exact threshold yet though. [1] -- Frédéric Wang __

Intent to unship: MathML alignment attributes

2019-09-21 Thread Frédéric Wang
spec [2]. [1] [2] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to prototype: Implement the MathMLElement interface and the corresponding content attributes

2019-09-22 Thread Frédéric Wang
t;, ...) which is a bit more verbose and probably not how developers would do a quick implementation for "normal" HTML elements. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to unship: MathML menclose notation "radical"

2019-09-22 Thread Frédéric Wang
e side and for mroot on the other side). [1] [2] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list https://lists.mozilla.or

Intent to unship: MathML3 support for semantics and maction elements

2019-10-15 Thread Frédéric Wang
). In addition maction allows some interactive math. These features are better implemented in CSS/JS. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to deprecate: MathML subscriptshift and superscriptshift attributes

2019-10-15 Thread Frédéric Wang
Hi, In bug 1587570, I intend to add a deprecation warning and use counter for the subscriptshift and superscriptshift attributes. Although the MathML Refresh CG has not reached a consensus yet about this, it is good to try to determine how much these attribute are actually used. -- Frédéric

Intent to deprecate: MathML bevelled attribute

2019-10-15 Thread Frédéric Wang
Hi, In bug 1587572, I intend to add a deprecation warning and use counter for the bevelled attribute on the mfrac element. Although the MathML Refresh CG has not reached a consensus about this yet, it is good to try to determine how much this attribute is actually used. -- Frédéric Wang

Intent to deprecated: mfenced element

2019-10-15 Thread Frédéric Wang
Hi, In bug 1587577, I intend to add a deprecation warning and use counter for the mfenced element. The MathML Refresh CG has agreed it should not be in core. It is redundant with mrow + mo, its implementation has bugs and adds complexity. -- Frédéric Wang

Intent to prototype: Document as explicit root of an intersection observer

2020-02-24 Thread Frédéric Wang
ct to consider here. AFAIK, the proposal does not make the situation worse though. I can't find any conclusion on the security aspect in the original intent-to thread, so I guess someone more knowledgeable than me on this should comment. -- Fré

Intent to ship: Document as explicit root of an intersection observer

2020-03-19 Thread Frédéric Wang
thout flag ; shipped in Chromium since version 81. Bug to turn on by default: This feature was previously discussed in this "Intent to prototype" thread:!msg/

Intent to unship: title argument of Navigator.registerProtocolHandler

2020-04-20 Thread Frédéric Wang
/html/pull/5425 [2] -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to unship: MathML deprecated style, menclose@radical, mathsize/linethicknes named values, mfrac@bevelled, alignment attributes, script shift attributes, XLink.

2020-09-17 Thread Frédéric Wang
/irFYGNx0DAAJ -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to ship: stretching MathML operators with STIXGeneral fonts on non-mac platform

2020-09-17 Thread Frédéric Wang
etter MathML rendering when the flag is on. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to ship: stretching MathML operators with STIXGeneral fonts on non-mac platform

2020-09-17 Thread Frédéric Wang
On 17/09/2020 15:22, Frédéric Wang wrote: > Hi, > >As of September 24, I intend to disable support for stretching MathML > operators with the deprecated STIXGeneral fonts on non-mac platform. > These are very old fonts that have been deprecated by the STIX > consortium for

Intent to prototype: math-style property

2020-09-18 Thread Frédéric Wang
S selectors these are not restricted to secure contexts. Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?: Yes -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to prototype: math-style property

2020-09-18 Thread Frédéric Wang
On 19/09/2020 06:36, Frédéric Wang wrote: > This is already possible > with the MathML's displaystyle attribute but exposing the magic to CSS > provides more flexibility to users. As an example, consider the continued fraction of test 6 in

Intent to prototype: math-depth property and font-size: math

2020-09-28 Thread Frédéric Wang
.) will be added too. Secure contexts: Like all other CSS selectors these are not restricted to secure contexts. Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?: Yes -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list dev-platform@lists.mozilla

Intent to deprecate: MathML scriptminsize and scriptsizemultiplier attributes

2020-09-28 Thread Frédéric Wang
ysis: -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list

Intent to prototype & ship: Treat localhost addresses as "Potentially Trustworthy"

2020-10-21 Thread Frédéric Wang web-platform-tests: This is covered by internal Gecko tests, but I opened as a follow-up. -- Frédéric Wang ___ dev-platform mailing list dev-pl

Re: Intent to unship: title argument of Navigator.registerProtocolHandler

2020-10-28 Thread Frédéric Wang
On 21/04/2020 08:51, Frédéric Wang wrote: > As of 2020-05-05 I intend to remove the title argument of > Navigator.registerProtocolHandler. It has been removed from the HTML5 > specification and none of the existing implementation does something > UI-wise [1]. This change finally land