On 17/09/2020 15:22, Frédéric Wang wrote:
> Hi,
>    As of September 24, I intend to disable support for stretching MathML
> operators with the deprecated STIXGeneral fonts on non-mac platform.
> These are very old fonts that have been deprecated by the STIX
> consortium for a long time and we have been encouraging users to switch
> to modern fonts since 2014. For details see
> http://groups.google.com/u/1/g/mozilla.dev.platform/c/ufT7Oc42MEc/m/xiOlQxIECQAJ
>    The flag will stay enabled on macOS because the current release
> (Catalina) still has the STIXGeneral fonts pre-installed, and so users
> who didn't install math fonts would still get better MathML rendering
> when the flag is on.
s/ship/unship/ in the title.

Frédéric Wang
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