In addtion to shim's idea, that feature was implemented when we didn't
support to change interpreter name. Now, that feature is out-date and I
suggest to reemove that feature now. Now, Zeppelin supports to make several
jdbc interpreter at the same time. I suggest to ise this way.
On Wed, 24 May 20
I agree with your idea and
+1 to create one
interpreter setting for each database.
2017년 5월 24일 (수) 오후 3:45, Jeff Zhang 님이 작성:
> The current JdbcInterpreter implementation seems too generic for me.
> Two main reasons
> 1. The logic of executing sql in JdbcInterpeter is a little weird. Here's
> i
The current JdbcInterpreter implementation seems too generic for me.
Two main reasons
1. The logic of executing sql in JdbcInterpeter is a little weird. Here's
is what jdbc interpreter would do for "%jdbc(mysql) show tables"
The script part is actually `(mysql) show tables` rather than `show