I agree with your idea and
+1 to create one
interpreter setting for each database.
2017년 5월 24일 (수) 오후 3:45, Jeff Zhang <zjf...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> The current JdbcInterpreter implementation seems too generic for me.
> Two main reasons
> 1. The logic of executing sql in JdbcInterpeter is a little weird. Here's
> is what jdbc interpreter would do for "%jdbc(mysql) show tables"
>     The script part is actually `(mysql) show tables` rather than `show
> tables`, jdbc interpreter first parse it to get property key `mysql` then
> execute sql `show tables` for mysql.  This is kind weird to do parsing in
> jdbc interpreter. I would use '%jdbc(mysql)' as interpreter name part,
> `mysql` could be some kind of interpreter property, but never to make
> interpreter to do parsing again. 'show tables' should be the sql script
> part which is sent to jdbc interpreter. Doing specific parsing in
> interpreter is not a good practise IMHO. This also make the parsing
> repl/script logic a little weird in Paragraph.java
> 2. All the database would share the same interpreter setting. such as
> keytab, principal, common.max_count. And it just depends on the propertyKey
> to decide to connect which database. I would say it is better to create one
> interpreter setting for each database rather than mixing them together,
> this would cause JdbcInterpreter very fragile, as changes for one database
> may affect other databases. I am not sure whether this is because creating
> new interpreter setting is not available when the jdbc interpreter is
> implemented. if user create interpreter setting for each database, then he
> doesn't need to specify `(mysql)` as point 1.
> Welcome any comments and thoughts on this.

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