Sorry I missed this one.
Acked-by: Alin Gabriel Serdean
-Mesaj original-
De la: Gurucharan Shetty []
Trimis: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 10:39 PM
Cc: Alin Serdean; Eitan Eliahu; Gurucharan Shetty
Subiect: [PATCH] netlink-socket: Convert
As mentioned in the comment above the function ovs_strerror(), it
should not be used to convert WINAPI error numbers to string.
Use ovs_lasterror_to_string() instead.
CC: Alin Gabriel Serdean
CC: Eitan Eliahu
Signed-off-by: Gurucharan Shetty
lib/netlink-socket.c |6 ++
1 file chan