First of all, congrats to all by your best work in AOO. I continue using
and following the community, maintaining the pt-BR translation, but without
many time to work in the project at all.
Anyway, today i have a problem in to draw a network flow, like in MS Visio,
and I found some great stenc
Thank you, Ariel and Regina, by the fast reply, but I not ask about
the stencils in self,
but about basic shapes that exist in the draw bar, like star, cloud,
diagram pictures, etc.
I believe that they are described in some XML inside the installation
directory, but haven't
idea where to find
Thank you more one time, Regina.
2014-09-30 12:50 GMT-03:00 Regina Henschel :
> I believe that they are described in some XML inside the installation
>> directory,
> No, they are hard coded.
Ok. Understood.
> You will find a start for how to do it in https://wiki.openoffice.org
More one question: is possible to change this look'n'fell of AOO? Give to
it a "flat" idea? I'm evolving an icon set to AOO[1] and I wish to get a
better look to it, as suggested in my mockups[2].
If somebody wish to try, replace this zip[1] in
/opt/openoffice4/share/config/ (for linux), or find the
image_industrial.zip in win or osx and replace in your env.
ps: please, add me in cc when reply this msg.
2012/12/15 Andrea Pescetti :
> On 13/12/2012 Albino Biasutti Neto wrote:
>> I see the need because there is enough information on the official
>> website and not in others.
>> Only if you can also add that infos in OO.o/pt-br ?
> Yes, I think you can include information about volunteerin
2012/12/19 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak :
> I have been watching for replies, surprised that we have none yet OK,
> anyone, any particular advice for translators?
Yes. Was a problem update all emails here. I istarted in l10n list first. :-)
> On 12/18/2012 04:18 PM, Tatiane Araujo wrote:
>> Go
2013/2/20 Samer Mansour :
> This is an early investigation, I'm not familiar with Pootle.
> I will check to see if we can create a process to notify translators when
> something needs translating, such as their mailing list.
> In either situation I think we'll be gaining more translations with
that this code not like me. :-P ;-)
2013/3/12 Claudio Filho :
> Hi
> I'm trying to build the trunk version of AOO in my computer and I
> found the error at pyuno module below. My system is a Debian amd64 and
> I'm using the --with-system-python fla
We can *try* to organize some thing there. Subscription of talks is opened.
IMHO, we can try to bring some key people to present the ecosystem of AOO
and its evolution. I will contact the organization and to know what we can
In my way, i will submit the same talk that i did in a gov event
Em 10/04/2013 07:11, "janI" escreveu:
> On 10 April 2013 11:48, Andre Fischer wrote:
> > Hi community,
> >
> > the first phase of the sidebar development is complete. The sidebar
> > is now feature complete, ie all panels that are planned for the 4.0
> > release are now available.
I did a update in my env and tried to reconfigure it, returning a error in
configure step. Configure script breaks in this part:
$ ./configure
checking which libwpd to use... external
checking for LIBWPD... no
configure: error: Package requirements (libwpd-0.8 ) were not met:
No pack
I use ccache to accelerate the build process, but when it arrives in
helpcontent2 (and other modules), dmake rebuilds all objects again, so I
ask if (and how) exist some thing like ccache to speed up the build of java
Thank in advance,
Speaking with java developers, they spoke about Maven or use some parameter
in ANT, for reuse compiled objects. I understand that have the same effect
- speed up the build.
Someone knows about this topic?
2013/4/16 Claudio Filho
> Hi
> I use ccache to accel
2013/4/16 Albino B Neto
> Begin here [2].
> 2 - http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO
Bino, you don't need run bootstrap if you already have epm and dmake
installed in your system. In Debian, we have both packages as well. Install
they and jump to next step.
2013/4/14 Kay Schenk
> Also, getting configure to work correctly with your system require correct
> pkg-config set up for all your libraries -- a big issue with my setup.
Thank you, Kay.
My workaround was add the stable repository in my Debian box and install
only this package (and its d
Sorry but... the extentions cited by Ariel will be integrated in the source
as "code" and not as "extension"? In other words, will be part of core?
As he explained, make sense for me to merge this functions in the code in
the same way of Solver was in the past.
Sorry by my newbie understa
Strangely, after I updated my env, I can't build without problems a new
After libwpd, is time of packimages, where returns the msg bellow.
Some idea or tip?
Building module packimages
Entering /home/filhocf/projetos/aoo/source/main/packim
Em 17/04/2013 21:08, "Rob Weir" escreveu:
> If we want I can put a poll up on http://openofficesurvey.org.
Rob, isn't better use this service in side of our domain? Some thing like
My two cents... ;-)
Best regards
2013/4/18 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann :
> But regarding the removed Slot FN_PROPERTY_WRAP_DLG perform a clean build of
> module sw:
> - cd sw
> - make clean
> - build
Oliver, sorry by my newbie ask, but... we don't use more dmake?
If i understood correctly, "build" is a perl script that calls all
2013/4/18, janI :
> On 18 April 2013 13:13, Rob Weir wrote:
>> No objections is someone wants to have a month-long wrestling match with
>> Infra to get something like this set up. But I was able to get it set up
>> on my server in 30 minutes, including buying the domain from GoDaddy for
>> $7
2013/4/23 Rob Weir :
> Please let me know immediately:
> 1) If there are any typos in the survey
* in logo-7, the answer's order is wrong;
* appears that logo-2 and logo-15 are the same with different size;
And, at final, after push the "next" button, returned the string
below. I thin
I remember that some time ago started a discuss about the change of
binary name "soffice" (and its others names - scalc, sdraw, etc) by
other that not *s*office, and I not remember the "final of this
Is possible? IMO, i (as newbie) haven't idea. Is interesting? IMHO, is
2013/4/23 RGB ES
> 2013/4/24 Albino B Neto
> > 2013/4/19 Albino B Neto :
> > > The problem is with the language Portuguese Brazil have many complex
> > > in its grammar, as the same problem occurred in the creation of
> > > mailing.
In the past, was more problematic that today, it's true.
2013/4/23 Andrea Pescetti :
> It is a fact that "soffice" has been outdated for about 10 years. But
> previous discussions on the topics showed that, while it would be feasible
> to rename the alias, there are documented procedures that still rely on the
> name "soffice" when they must launch/c
2013/4/24 janI :
> I assume we will at some point go in a second round with just a few logos,
> would it be possible (at that time) to have these logos additional as:
> Logo for the product (sw)
> Favicon
> There are a couple of those I like, which I cannot judge if they would look
> nice in
2013/3/21 Andre Fischer :
> The two most important improvements since my last update:
> - There are some more panels migrated from Symphony (Line, Area, Position
> and Size, Graphics, Page)
> - Context switching works and shows the decks and panels as they should
> appear in the finished sideba
2013/4/24 Rob Weir :
> You get that message if you just go to the root URL
> http://survey.openoffice.org/. To get to the actual survey you need
> to go to http://survey.openoffice.org/index.php/815178/
Rob, have a config that you can set in the survey to list this survey
in the root page. I
Em 26/04/2013 12:13, "janI" escreveu:
> >for the record, this was not what I saidI simply believe that a
> feature without help (and documentation) is not complete and if released
> should be highlighted because our average user depend on help in many
> situations.
Only to give an out pe
I finished the translation of UI for pt-BR to aoo 4.0. Is possible to build
a lang pack to see how is it and to start our revision?
Em 13 de maio de 2013 14:29, Rodrigo Oscar Novaes do Baixo
> Eu gostaria de saber de voces quando vai lançar a nova versão 4.0 do
> Openoffice.
> Muito obrigado.
Rodrigo, nós usamos o inglês nesta lista. Em emails futuros, por
favor, envie suas questões em inglês. Quanto ao lançamen
2013/5/15 Andrea Pescetti :
> Thanks! This is a major development and it will allow new volunteers to work
> directly online (with proper attribution, very important in our case) if
> they prefer to do so. Everything looks fine for me, after authenticating
> with my committer login.
Humm.. Sor
2013/5/15 Jürgen Schmidt :
> no not really, it is simply not open. Please send an email to this list
> if you need an account. Either Jan or I will handle it then via private
> emails
Ah! This is fine! A good step for new volunteers (as translators).
Thanks, Jurgen and Jan by your great job over P
2013/5/15 janI :
> Just to be sure, non-committers will only be allowed to do suggestions. A
> committer must verify the suggestion (just like code patches).
I understand that we can have more one profile in this case, Jan, or
best, we need rethink this. I agree that if a new translator arrives
2013/5/16 Jürgen Schmidt :
> On 5/16/13 1:47 PM, RGB ES wrote:
>> Can someone confirm this behaviour? The lack of browse buttons means that
>> it is not possible to work on firefox: you cannot jump to the next string.
I do. I opened my space and opened any fuzzy/unstranslated string and
2013/5/16 RGB ES :
> But can you see the "browse" buttons on Firefox? This is what I see:
Yes. I can. For me, the unique problem is the suggestions missing.
@Rob, i did it, without success. Same behavior.
To unsubscri
2013/5/20 Louis Suárez-Potts :
> On 2013-05-20, at 20:58 , Donald Whytock wrote:
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Albino B Neto wrote:
>>> This pages about credits of members [1], were did the last updated:
>>> 2010-11-15, long time.
>>> 1 - http://www.openoffice.org/welcome/credits.html
I tried to access the Pootle and returned the Sonar, at
https://analysis.apache.org/. Is correct it?
2013/5/23 janI :
> Hi.
> We have to take pootle down for about 2 hours due to a urgently needed
> maintenance, sorry for the short warning.
> Downtime is expected to be: UTC
2013/5/24 jan iversen :
> refresh the page. it is because your cached an old version.
> we changed the pottle technical setup yesterday.
Thanks, Jan. The problem is my (corporative) proxy. :-(
But is fine with my 3G connection. Thanks!
2013/5/27 Shari Smith :
> why i, I'd say oPanel or aPanel
> +1
Effectively "panel" is interesting in our local context, so
[a|I|o]Panel is a good way.
More yet if in the furure the formating toolbar will be disabled.
Better(IMHO) if we improve this *panel* with Renaissance4 CWS[1]
2013/5/28 Andrea Pescetti :
> The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache OpenOffice has asked
> V. Kadal Amutham to become a committer and we are pleased to announce
> that he has accepted and taken the ID "vkadal".
Congratulations, Kadal! \o/
Many work and more hands to share. ;-)
I found a (good!) tutorial[1] (in portuguese) where shows about how
put LibO in a browser using a resource of GTK. There, the author
explain that the "insight" was to use a custom build with options
"--enable-x11-backend --enable-broadway-backend". After, export some
$ export SAL_
Juergen, as you has oriented, i opened an issue[1]. Now, need extend
my request to help package too. ;-)
I finished the pt-BR help for AOO 4.0 too.
I stay in wait.
2013/5/4 Juergen Schmidt :
> Am Freitag, 3. Mai 2013 um 22:47 schrieb Claudio Filho:
>> Hi
um 22:47 schrieb Claudio Filho:
>> Hi
>> I finished the translation of UI for pt-BR to aoo 4.0. Is possible to build
>> a lang pack to see how is it and to start our revision?
> we will have one further minor update I the localization. No bi
2013/6/2 janI :
> On 2 June 2013 15:37, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> Adding terminology seems fine, of course. Requiring the review step is in
>> principle OK for me too, but I wonder how it will work for languages where
>> we don't have native speakers as committers: does it require that strings
2013/6/3 RGB ES :
> 2013/6/3 Andrea Pescetti
>> On 02/06/2013 RGB ES wrote:
>>> Do we want to "clone", for example, the documentation section on all the
>>> localized sites, just translating it? On Sun times that was the idea, with
>>> sub sites ("portals") like
>>> http://wiki.services.*
Without pt-BR packages, Ariel?
Em 13/06/2013 04:11, "Ariel Constenla-Haile" escreveu:
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 06:15:00PM +0200, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to propose a new snapshot build based on trunk rev 1491858,
> > revision 1491860 on the SNAPSHOT
I saw some interesting icons from Faenza collection and I wish to do a
icon set for AOO with this material. Where can i find some material or
orientation to see how to do it? Is possible to do a extension for
this idea?
Thanks in advance,
Em 15/06/2013 16:24, "Ariel Constenla-Haile" escreveu:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 09:01:40AM -0300, Claudio Filho wrote:
> > Without pt-BR packages, Ariel?
> the snapshot tag was made before the pt-BR SDF file was committed, as
> Jürgen said.
I understand and
2013/6/13 Claudio Filho :
> I saw some interesting icons from Faenza collection and I wish to do a
> icon set for AOO with this material. Where can i find some material or
> orientation to see how to do it? Is possible to do a extension for
> this idea?
Replying myself:
2013/6/19 Andre Fischer :
> Is there any way you could turn that into a Wiki page, so that in the future
> it is easier to find?
Yes. It is a good idea, but we need solve the wiki problem first,
about the license. I prefer add in a wiki under Apache license.
2013/6/18 Claudio Filho :
> Replying myself:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/trunk/main/ooo_custom_images/README.txt?view=markup
Unhappyly, this file is outdated. Many files refered by it don't exist
or the sections inside them follows the same situation.
I'm in
A cicle of my life finish for me and i am exiting of open source
iniciative. So, i request my remotion from Apache.
Thanks for all and good bye.
ps: i unsbuscribed myself from all lists.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: de
2012/11/10 Albino B Neto :
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Albino B Neto wrote:
>> www.apachecon.br
>> I couldn´t created event in Brazil, creating the domain is easier to
>> one day be made this event here.
Isn't possible to register this domain. We have more one level in
brazilian in
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