Am 15.02.23 um 18:05 schrieb Yury Tarasievich:
> On 15/02/2023 19:39, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
>> I documented 8 projects that tried to achieve that and compared them
>> in the attached spreadsheet, and there are more.
> The document is a beaut, but you've excluded Flatpak and Snap, one of
club.a...@free.fr wrote:
Thanks to create an account with my username: acsi
Account Asci created and a random password has been sent to yuor e-mail
address. On forst login you should be asked for a new password of your
own choosing.
Keith N. McKenna
Arverne wrote:
Could you create a personnal account to participate to french OpenOffice
Wiki ?
My pseudo could be : arverne73
My name : J-Paul
Account Arvene73 has been created and a random password has been sent to
your e-mail. You will be asked on first login to create a
Hi all
> The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:
>[x] yes / +1
>[ ] no / -1
> My vote is based on
>[x] binding (member of PMC)
>[X] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [Linux Ubuntu
> 18.04 x64]
>[X] I have tested the binary RC on