
Am 15.02.23 um 18:05 schrieb Yury Tarasievich:
> On 15/02/2023 19:39, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
>> I documented 8 projects that tried to achieve that and compared them
>> in the attached spreadsheet, and there are more.
> The document is a beaut, but you've excluded Flatpak and Snap, one of
> which you sort of condemn and one of which you recommend, nevertheless.
> Why not AppImage, for which half a work is already there, AFAIU ? (I
> mean `installed` method of packaging) So it hasn't got sandboxing. Is
> it such a big deal?

I don't think we need sandboxing in the first place.

An easy to install package for Linux would be good, so maybe we can try
to do an Appimage package after the release of AOO 4.1.14?



> Also, any new packaging method would have to integrate into the
> existing build framework? Which isn't exactly a model of clarity and
> robustness?
> -Yury
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