Reporting broken download link Download fehlgeschlagen 2 x

2018-01-04 Thread Henner Lotz
Sprache: Apache OpenOffice Die freie und offene Büro-Software Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 ist verfügbar! * Produkt * Herunterladen

ooo-wiki downtime

2018-01-04 Thread Chris Lambertus
> On Jan 1, 2018, at 2:24 PM, Chris Lambertus wrote: > > Hi folks, > > At 0100 UTC on Thursday January 4th, I will be moving the OpenOffice PHPBB > forum databases to a new server. The forums will be offline during this > process, and is expected to take about 2 hours. Hi folks, We also n

Re: Reporting broken download link Download fehlgeschlagen 2 x

2018-01-04 Thread Marcus
Thanks for your report. However, a simple copy & paste is not enough to tell us what you problem is with downloading. Please can you specify it with your own words and with more details? BTW: I've tested a second ago and cannot see any problem when downloading AOO 4.1.5 in German for Windows

Re: Volunteer for building OpenOffice from source

2018-01-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti
On 03/01/2018 Ash Blade wrote: I saw that you are looking for help with building Open Office from source and I think my current set of skills could be put to good use with this task. Welcome, Ash! Yes, we can surely put your skills to good use here. With your current experience I think you ca

Re: ooo-forums downtime

2018-01-04 Thread Hagar Delest
Hi, Since the move, we noticed that when performing an advanced search that should display the results as topics, then we get an error: General Error SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'forumaoo_en.t.topic_last_post_time' which is no

Re: ooo-forums downtime

2018-01-04 Thread Hagar Delest
Note: same for the other languages (Italian anf French tested). The DISTINCT 3065 thing seems a common one: In French forum: Erreur générale SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'forumaoo_fr.t.topic_last_post_time' which is not in SELEC

Re: ooo-forums downtime

2018-01-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti
CCing Chris for the two messages below. Maybe a SQL version issue? Regards, Andrea. On 04/01/2018 21:59, Hagar Delest wrote: Note: same for the other languages (Italian anf French tested). The DISTINCT 3065 thing seems a common one: In French forum: Erreur générale SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Expr

Re: ooo-forums downtime

2018-01-04 Thread Chris Lambertus
There may not be anything we can do about this until phpBB is upgraded. I put the wiki database move on hold until I can look into it more. > On Jan 4, 2018, at 2:42 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote: > > CCing Chris for the two messages below. Maybe a SQL version issue? > Regards, > Andrea. > > On