On 03/01/2018 Ash Blade wrote:
I saw that you are looking for help with building Open Office from source and I 
think my current set of skills could be put to good use with this task.

Welcome, Ash! Yes, we can surely put your skills to good use here.

With your current experience I think you can just go ahead and try a local build on Linux; the process is challenging, or at least nonstandard, in all environments, but Linux tends to be smoother.

Start with a trunk checkout (your svn skills "from the past" will actually help here!):

$ svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/trunk openoffice

then go ahead following
and tell us when you have any doubts.

What Linux distribution are you using?
has some hints to help building on many distributions, and we'd surely appreciate if you can collect some notes while you build so that you can add them to the wiki (if you need an account, just ask here).

I'm CCing you explicitly in this first answer, but in case you are not subscribed please do so; or read the archives at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@openoffice.apache.org


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