So many thanks fro your support.
We are in the last knockings and are due to go to print shortly and must
decide numbers
Can you let Stuart if/how many copies of the Dutch and/or English versions
you would wish us to post to you.
Basil Cousins
OpenForum Europe
44 (0) 208 224
n Source (ALv2)
> All
> Windows, OS X, Linux
> Community
> The default and recommended outputs are Extended ODF 1.2 documents.
> Third-party ports to Android, FreeBSD, OS/2 available
> Please advise if this is ac
tion other Apache projects’ ODF work, to
>> some extent I’ll be mostly competent at relaying speech.
> I agree, and I think it would be important to give a speech about our
> concerns around office formats' interoperability.
> I believe we can still ask Michiel or B
in a short time frame. Our Chair will sort out a way to
> manage this situation, though.
> Roberto
> 2015-09-04 16:25 GMT+02:00 Basil Cousins :
>> Roberto,
>> We need to close very soon. When can you let me know about English
>> versi