Hi Roberto,

Great to be in touch.  I will ask Graham Taylor to raise an invoice for
£100+VAT to cover the English Version.
Can you let us have the address to be put on the invoice?

Shal we use the same logo as in the London version for Apache Open Office
or is there a more recent one?



On 4 September 2015 at 12:38, Roberto Galoppini <roberto.galopp...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> 2015-09-04 5:06 GMT+02:00 Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> Comments inline.
>> > On 03 Sep 15, at 16:24, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > As we discussed some weeks ago, the next ODF Plugfest will be held in
>> The Hague, Netherlands, mid-September:
>> > http://plugfest.opendocumentformat.org/2015-thehague/programme/
>> >
>> > There are three issues that require attention in a very short time.
>> Deadline is 8 September when not otherwise specified.
>> >
>> > 1) Is anyone going in the end? We discussed this at length. I've never
>> considered going since it overlaps with another event I'm scheduled to
>> attend. Dennis and Roberto were both mentioned (and Dennis later clarified
>> he is busy in the US). Of course if someone goes we can still discuss to
>> allocate a budget from our events fund.
> When I made plans to go I didn't know about much about my calendar of
> business meetings. As of now I can't commit to that trip, unfortunately.
>> The event somewhat overlaps with a personal engagement but that may be
>> negotiable. It depends on how much subsidy we have to support this very
>> late trip—of mine, I mean. I’d be coming from Toronto, Canada. A quick
>> price check via Orbitz reveals that for a flight via the dodgy Air Transat
>> the cost (R/T) would be about 740 USD. Include an Airbnb room—don’t know
>> how much that would be but probably not that much, though still, for three
>> days, at leasts 150 USD, and probably more. (I’m guessing the Hague is
>> costly.) Besides Air Transat, the average price for airfare to AMS is about
>> 1300 USD; to the Hague (Rotterdam) 500 USD more or so. I’m guessing a train
>> trip from AMS is cheaper.
>> I’ve been to several of these events, including, I think, the initiating
>> one. I know ODF fairly well, was on the Oasis TCs, etc. (I quit them a
>> couple of years ago.) The drawback for me going is I’m not developing ODF
>> or for ODF and though I can certainly represent AOO’s continued interest in
>> furthering usage of ODF, not to mention other Apache projects’ ODF work, to
>> some extent I’ll be mostly competent at relaying speech.
> I agree, and I think it would be important to give a speech about our
> concerns around office formats' interoperability.
> I believe we can still ask Michiel or Basil to accommodate a similar ask.
>> >
>> > 2) I was contacted (for no special reason; I've never attended a
>> Plugfest) by Basil Cousins of Openforum Europe, who gave me permission to
>> forward his request here, about updating a leaflet for the next ODF
>> Plugfest. The 2014 version is here:
>> >
>> http://openforumeurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/OFE-COIS-DFD-ODF-Open-Document-Principles-for-Government-Technology-March-2015.pdf
>> > and there is also an infographic available at
>> http://www.openforumeurope.org/library/odf-toolkit-2/
>> > Can you please suggest content updates to this leaflet? Basil in is CC.
>> We can discuss updates on this list and then one of us, ideally someone who
>> attends the event, can send the final comments to Basil. The part needing
>> more attention is the Applications Choices section on page 5.
>> I can look at it, too. But others, here, can surely weigh in. I think we
>> have talent to enhance this, no?
>> >
>> > 3) For this leaflet they also ask for a contribution for printing. One
>> can support printing the English version (addressed to UK government), the
>> Dutch version (addressed to Dutch government) or both. The contribution is
>> 100 GBP (so about 135 EUR or 150 USD) for each edition. If you feel it
>> would be useful, I assume that the fund for events and merchandising could
>> be used to support this. Please state if you propose that we allocate
>> budget and, in case it's a yes, if you'd rather contribute to the English
>> version or both versions.
>> I think it would be money well spent.
> Agree for the English version, as far as we can also enrich its content,
> though.
> Roberto
>> Note. This ODF Plugfest brings together some rather important players
>> form the UK, which is supposedly tending toward it. Independent of any
>> particular implementation’s concerns or desires, it is, as Roberto G.
>> pointed out, important that there be *real* solid interest in working with
>> the government to satisfy their mandate.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >  Andrea.
>> >
>> -best
>> louis
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Basil Cousins
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