+1 (non-binding)
On 2024/05/23 16:26:42 Frank Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to start a vote on KIP-1047: Introduce new
> org.apache.kafka.tools.api.Decoder to replace kafka.serializer.Decoder.
> KIP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1047+Introduce+new+org.apach
Kuan Po Tseng
Hello everyone,
In KIP-1077 (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/eA-OEg), we plan to
deprecate ForeachProcessor and move it to an internal package, as it is
intended for internal use only.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reply. Thank
Best regards,
Thank you for the nice KIP !
About deprecating Joined#gracePeriod, did you mean we should move the
Joined#gracePeriod to JoinedInternal class as I didn't see the corresponding
method in JoinedInternal you mentioned.
Best regards,
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2024/08/04 16:13:31 TengYao Chi
Thank you ! LGTM !
Best regards,
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2024/08/04 16:40:12 TengYao Chi wrote:
> Hello Kuan Po
> I just reviewed the code, and you are right.
> Currently, Joined#gracePeriod is not in the JoinedInternal. I will slightly
> modify the content of th
> > > I think this proposal is fair enough.
> > >
> > > Chia-Ping Tsai 於 2024年8月4日 週日 下午3:45寫道:
> > >
> > >> Thanks Kuan-Po for writing KIP-1077. LGTM
> > >>
> > >> Kuan Po Tseng 於 2024年8月4日 週日 下午2:34寫道:
> > >>
a vote.
Kuan-Po Tseng
Hi everyone,
I'm closing this vote with the KIP being accepted with 4 binding +1s from
Chia-Ping, Lucas, Bruno, and Matthias, along with 2 non-binding +1s from
TengYao and 黃竣陽.
Thank you all for your participation!
On 2024/08/22 04:09:06 "Matthias J. Sax" wrote:
> +1 (binding)
> On 8/19/24
Congrats Lianet !!!
On 2024/08/29 02:37:19 Luke Chen wrote:
> Congratulations Lianet!
> Luke
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 9:54 AM Lianet M. wrote:
> > Thank you very much everyone! It truly takes the great shared knowledge you
> > all put out there with amazing reviews and discussions.
> >
Congrats! Andrew !
On 2024/12/02 14:13:52 David Arthur wrote:
> The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Kafka is pleased to
> announce Andrew Schofield as a new Kafka committer.
> Andrew has been active in the project since May of 2023 and has contributed
> a great deal in that time.
Hi all,
Based on our discussion, I added a section on choosing the appropriate bridge
version from an API compatibility perspective for upgrading to Kafka 4.0. Let
me know if you have any thoughts. Thank you!
On 2025/02/07 03:34:46 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> Hi Chia-Ping,
Hi all,
After discussing with Stanislav Kozlovski, I plan to continue implementing this
However, I have a question regarding the Validation section.
It says, "If the targetReplicaSet of the reassignment differs from the current
replica set
of the partition, an error is thrown."
I’m wonder
Hi Chia-Ping,
Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve checked all relevant JIRAs using the
following Jira Query Language:
project = KAFKA AND status in (Resolved, Closed) AND fixVersion = 4.0.0 AND
text ~ "Remove" order by updated DESC
Based on this, I checked the JIRAs related to removing deprec
. If the partition IS
> > reasigning, then we check `currentReassignmentTargetReplicaSet.size !=
> > newTargetReplicaSet.size`
> >
> > Best,
> > Stan
> >
> > On 2025/02/05 14:46:08 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > >
Hello everyone,
If there are no other opinions, I would like to start a vote tomorrow,
thank you!
Kuan Po
On Sat, Feb 8, 2025 at 1:51 AM Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> Hi all,
> Based on our discussion, I added a section on choosing the appropriate
> bridge version from an API c
I'd like to initiate a vote on KIP-1124, which aims to provide a clear
upgrade path for Kafka clients. This proposal will not only help users
transition smoothly but also reduce the development effort required to
support upgrades.
Discuss Thread:
e simply removing the UPGRADE_FROM config.
> > >>
> > >> I mention this here because this means if a user needs to upgrade a
> > >> Streams
> > >> app from, say, version 1.0 to version 4.0 with 2.3 as a bridge release,
> > >> they would
te it if you could take a look and share your thoughts or
Best regards,
Kuan-Po Tseng
state how many major versions of backward
compatibility we support in the Backwards Compatibility section.
On 2025/01/15 13:44:09 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to initiate a discussion thread on *KIP-1124,* which proposes a
> clear upgrade path for Kafka Client, in
; https://kafka.apache.org/39/documentation/streams/upgrade-guide
> Thanks Kuan Po!
> Lianet
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 11:22 AM Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > If there are no other opinions, I would like to start a vote tomorro
- Simplifying testing
- Reducing compatibility challenges across too many versions
- Clearly defining the recommended upgrade paths
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/02/21 23:55:51 Sophie Blee-Goldman wrote:
> whew, long response from Matthias :P Lot to digest but I want to add
> on/
> 1. minimize code refactoring - // Kafka Client: 3.3.x - 3.9.x + Kafka
> Streams: 3.6.x - 3.9.x
> 2. starts with quorum APIs - // 3.3.x - 3.9.x
> 3. xxx
> 4. aaa
> n. last stable/active version: 3.9.x // we can emphasize the 3.9 is
> recommended by community
and I would like to hear others' opinions as well.
I just updated the KIP, and I hope I have addressed all your comments above.
Please let me know if I missed anything.
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/02/25 03:32:06 "Matthias J. Sax" wrote:
> Thanks all. Seems we are converging.
> Best,
> Chia-Ping
> On 2025/02/12 14:49:37 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'd like to initiate a vote on KIP-1124, which aims to provide a clear
> > upgrade path for Kafka clients. This proposal will not only help users
> > transition smoothly b
bridge version from an API compatibility perspective
should be [3.8.x–3.9.x].
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/03/04 00:44:47 Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you for the discussion. Apologies for introducing an unrelated topic.
> Here's a summary of that discussion.
Hi Chia-ping,
Thank you for your feedback. I've updated the KIP and also added an explanation
for why the client bridge version starts at 3.4 - "In 4.0.0, the most recent
removed deprecated APIs were from 3.3.0, so the bridge version starts from 3.4."
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2
Thanks everyone for voting and feedback.
The vote has passed with 4 binding votes (Matthias, Chia-Ping, David and Bruno).
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/03/05 09:30:55 Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> Hi,
> +1 (binding)
> Thanks for the KIP,
> Bruno
> On 05.03.25 09:49, D
Hi everyone,
The vote has now been open for over 72 hours and has passed with 4 binding
votes (Matthias, Chia-Ping, David and Bruno).
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/03/06 05:44:33 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
> Hi Ismael,
> Sorry about that... I'll revert the KIP state back to "
I believe this proposal could provide a better user experience,
and I’d really appreciate it if you could take a look and share your
thoughts or feedback.
Best regards,
Kuan-Po Tseng
Hi Matthias,
Feel free to edit the KIP directly – I'm totally fine with it. Thanks a lot!
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/02/28 07:35:10 "Matthias J. Sax" wrote:
> Thanks all. I am happy that we are making progress to close this out.
> As mentioned in my (long) email l
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/02/06 18:42:29 Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:
> hi Stan
> thanks for sharing the details!
> to Kuan-Po
> Could you please tweak the KIP-860 according to Stan's response :)
> Best,
> Chia-Ping
> Stanislav Kozlovski 於
Hi Ismael,
Sorry about that... I'll revert the KIP state back to "Voting" and, as you
suggested, wait for 72 hours before proceeding.
Kuan-Po Tseng
On 2025/03/06 05:22:57 Ismael Juma wrote:
> I meant converged (instead of converted).
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2025, 9:
Kuan Po Tseng resolved KAFKA-16595.
Resolution: Won't Do
As discussed in
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16794:
Summary: Can't open videos in streams documentation
Key: KAFKA-16794
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16794
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16795:
Summary: Fix broken compatibility in
kafka.tools.NoOpMessageFormatter, kafka.tools.DefaultMessageFormatter, and
Key: KAFKA-16795
URL: https
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16942:
Summary: Use ConcurrentHashMap in RecordAccumulator#nodeStats
Key: KAFKA-16942
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16942
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng resolved KAFKA-16942.
Resolution: Won't Do
The performance in get method is not obvious between ConcurrentHa
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-17235:
Summary: system test test_performance_service.py failed
Key: KAFKA-17235
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17235
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-17256:
Summary: KRAFT should honor the listener name and security
protocol from ClusterConfig
Key: KAFKA-17256
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17256
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-17286:
Summary: Flaky
Key: KAFKA-17286
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17286
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-17358:
Summary: ClusterTestExtensions KRAFT mode should support all
security protocol
Key: KAFKA-17358
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17358
Kuan Po Tseng resolved KAFKA-17358.
Resolution: Duplicate
we already have other issue talking about this
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16414:
Summary: Inconsistent active segment expiration behavior between
retention.ms and retention.bytes
Key: KAFKA-16414
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16414
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16455:
Summary: Check partition exists before send reassignments to
server in ReassignPartitionsCommand
Key: KAFKA-16455
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16455
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16477:
Summary: Detect thread leaked client-metrics-reaper in tests
Key: KAFKA-16477
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16477
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16595:
Summary: Introduce template in ClusterTests
Key: KAFKA-16595
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16595
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Improvement
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-16627:
Summary: Remove ClusterConfig parameter in BeforeEach and AfterEach
Key: KAFKA-16627
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16627
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-17728:
Summary: Add missing config `replica-directory-id` to raft README
Key: KAFKA-17728
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17728
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-18083:
Summary: ClusterInstance custom controllerListener not work
Key: KAFKA-18083
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18083
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-18296:
Summary: Remove deprecated KafkaBasedLog constructor
Key: KAFKA-18296
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18296
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-18234:
Summary: DumpLogSegments cannot print
ConsumerGroupRegularExpression record
Key: KAFKA-18234
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18234
Project: Kafka
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-18075:
Summary: Prevent ClusterInstance default producer and consumer
initialization with empty configs
Key: KAFKA-18075
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18075
Kuan Po Tseng created KAFKA-18401:
Summary: Transaction version 2 does not support commit transaction
without records
Key: KAFKA-18401
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18401
Kuan Po Tseng resolved KAFKA-18343.
Fix Version/s: 4.0.0
Reviewer: Justine Olshan
Resolution: Fixed
Kuan Po Tseng resolved KAFKA-14121.
Resolution: Fixed
> AlterPartitionReassignments API should allow callers to specify
55 matches
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