From other communities, there isn't really ownership over any part of the
project, so anyone is free to review any patch. If you decide to review a patch
and believe that a specific person should have a look to support your
recommendation because that person has more experience, just ping the pe
Yeah. Jun used to send out table-summary of backlogs with reviews before
KIP meeting, we can continue to do that.
Also we used to have a dashboard for replication development tracking,
Neha/Jun/Joel do you remember how to setup sth. similar?
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:31 PM, Jiangjie Qi
Hey Guozhang,
Will it be a little bit hard to keep the volunteer list up to date?
Personally I would prefer to have a summery e-mail automatically sent to
kafka-dev list every day for tickets with patches submitted in recent 7
days. The email can also include the reviewer for the ticket. And peopl
Good question.
I can personally think of pros and cons of having a volunteer list, most of
them are pros but one con is that the list will never be comprehensive and
in that sense sort of discouraging people to assign themselves as the
Without such a list, contributors would most likely
> 2. Encourage contributors to set the "reviewer" field when change JIRA
> status to "patch available", and encourage volunteers assigning themselves
> to "reviewers" for pending tickets.
Is there somewhere that describes who to pick as a reviewer based on the
patch? Would it be worth listing
First of all, WebEx seems working! And we will upload the recorded video
Quick summary:
KIP-26: RP-99 ( pending for reviews.
KIP-28: RP-130 ( looking for
feedbacks on:
1. API design (see