Dustin Cote created KAFKA-6417:
Summary: plugin.path pointing at a plugin directory causes
Key: KAFKA-6417
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6417
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-2394.
Resolution: Won't Do
> Use RollingFileAppender by default in log4j.pr
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-6107:
Summary: SCRAM user add fails if Kafka has never been started
Key: KAFKA-6107
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6107
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5994:
Summary: Improve transparency of broker user ACL misconfigurations
Key: KAFKA-5994
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5994
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5885:
Summary: NPE in ZKClient
Key: KAFKA-5885
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5885
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Bug
Components: zkclient
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5718:
Summary: Better document what LogAppendTime means
Key: KAFKA-5718
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5718
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Improvement
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5688:
Summary: Add a modifier to the REST endpoint to only show errors
Key: KAFKA-5688
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5688
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5675:
Summary: Possible worker_id duplication in Connect
Key: KAFKA-5675
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5675
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Bug
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-3056.
Resolution: Duplicate
> MirrorMaker with new consumer doesn't handle CommitFailedE
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5327:
Summary: Console Consumer should only poll for up to max messages
Key: KAFKA-5327
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5327
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5225:
Summary: StreamsResetter doesn't allow custom Consumer properties
Key: KAFKA-5225
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5225
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5148:
Summary: Add configurable compression block size to the broker
Key: KAFKA-5148
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5148
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5138:
Summary: MirrorMaker doesn't exit on send failure occasionally
Key: KAFKA-5138
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5138
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5137:
Summary: Controlled shutdown timeout message improvement
Key: KAFKA-5137
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5137
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-5118:
[~huxi] ^
> Improve message for Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-5118:
@huxi yes this is where this one came
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5118:
Summary: Improve message for Kafka failed startup with non-Kafka
data in data.dirs
Key: KAFKA-5118
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5118
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-5110:
[~vahid] I'd love to provide reproduct
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5110:
Summary: ConsumerGroupCommand error handling improvement
Key: KAFKA-5110
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5110
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Bug
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-5074:
Ah ok I got what you meant.
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-5074:
[~ijuma] I think the unexpected behavior her
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-5074:
Summary: Transition to OnlinePartition without preferred leader in
ISR fails
Key: KAFKA-5074
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-5074
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3955:
Adding as this kind of behavior
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3955:
Affects Version/s:
> Kafka log recovery doesn't truncate logs on non-monotonic
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4861:
Summary: log.message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime breaks Kafka
based consumers
Key: KAFKA-4861
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4861
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4618:
Summary: Enable clients to "re-bootstrap" in the event of a full
cluster migration
Key: KAFKA-4618
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4618
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~gquintana] I agree it would be better, but
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-4477:
It may also be helpful to grab the associ
Dustin Cote reopened KAFKA-4351:
Looks like this got marked resolved accidentally when the PR was made.
Reopening but cc'ing [~hu
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4351:
Summary: Topic regex behavioral change with MirrorMaker new
Key: KAFKA-4351
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4351
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-4320:
[~Aurijoy] great, welcome! First have a loo
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-4320:
Labels: newbie (was: )
> Log compaction docs upd
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4320:
Summary: Log compaction docs update
Key: KAFKA-4320
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4320
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Bug
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-4207:
Agreed, marking this one as a dupli
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-4207.
Resolution: Duplicate
> Partitions stopped after a rapid restart of a bro
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4207:
Summary: Partitions stopped after a rapid restart of a broker
Key: KAFKA-4207
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4207
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-4169:
Ah, good point. The user reporting this i
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4169:
Summary: Calculation of message size is too conservative for
compressed messages
Key: KAFKA-4169
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4169
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3590:
[~hachikuji] is going to take this one over
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3590:
Status: Open (was: Patch Available)
> KafkaConsumer fails with "Messages are rejected sin
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3590:
Assignee: Jason Gustafson (was: Dustin Cote)
> KafkaConsumer fails with "Messages are reject
Dustin Cote reopened KAFKA-3129:
Reopening per [~ijuma]'s recommendation as acks=0 in general still has a
problem somewhere alon
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-3129.
Resolution: Fixed
> Console producer issue when request-required-ack
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4134:
Summary: Transparently notify users of "Connection Refused" for
client to broker connections
Key: KAFKA-4134
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/
Dustin Cote reassigned KAFKA-3129:
Assignee: Dustin Cote (was: Neha Narkhede)
> Console producer issue when request-requi
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4092:
Summary: retention.bytes should not be allowed to be less than
Key: KAFKA-4092
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4092
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3129:
What I'm seeing is that we are f
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-3993.
Resolution: Duplicate
Marking this a duplicate of KAFKA-3129. The workaround here is to set acks=1
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4062:
Summary: Require --print-data-log if --offsets-decoder is enabled
for DumpLogOffsets
Key: KAFKA-4062
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4062
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-4017:
[~ewencp] yeah that's right. Supe
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-4017:
Summary: Return more helpful responses when misconfigured
connectors are submitted
Key: KAFKA-4017
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4017
Project: Kafka
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3766:
Marking this as a dupe of KAFKA-3590.
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3590:
Thanks [~ijuma], I didn't see that one.
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3590:
Status: Patch Available (was: Open)
> KafkaConsumer fails with "Messages are rejected sin
Dustin Cote reassigned KAFKA-3590:
Assignee: Dustin Cote
> KafkaConsumer fails with "Messages are rejected since there a
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3590:
Component/s: (was: clients)
> KafkaConsumer fails with "Mess
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3590:
[~salaev] it looks like this is occurring
Dustin Cote reassigned KAFKA-2932:
Assignee: Dustin Cote (was: Ewen Cheslack-Postava)
> Adjust importance level of Kafka Conn
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2932:
[~ewencp] mind if I pick this one up?
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
had to change the PR to come from a diffe
d topic cannot accept
> message without key.
> Why does this happen and what’s the solution?
Dustin Cote
Cc: dev@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Kafka HDFS Connector
> Hi Dustin,
> I am looking for option 1.
> Looking at Kafka Connect code, I guess we need to write converter code if
> not available.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Pari
> O
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> > exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended
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> >
Dustin Cote
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~ewencp] yeah I think that's for the
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~ewencp] makes sense, I went ahead and upd
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-2394:
Fix Version/s:
> Use RollingFileAppender by default in log4j.propert
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3802:
I'm thinking that there'
Dustin Cote edited comment on KAFKA-2394 at 6/6/16 6:5
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~ewencp] I only got positive feedback on
ing on the
file name convention and would need to rollback the log4j configuration
should the default change in a later version? What sort of feedback can
those users provide to help us document this the right way?
Dustin Cote
Dustin Cote reassigned KAFKA-2394:
Assignee: Dustin Cote (was: jin xing)
> Use RollingFileAppender by default
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
Thanks [~ewencp]. I went ahead and sent ou
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~hachikuji] the attached PR removes refere
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~jinxing6...@126.com] I'll go ahead
Dustin Cote resolved KAFKA-2971.
Resolution: Resolved
Resolving as superceded by KAFKA-2394. Thanks [~gwenshap].
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2971:
[~jkreps] and [~dban] I believe this issu
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2394:
[~jinxing6...@126.com] are you able to ma
Work on KAFKA-3683 started by Dustin Cote.
> Add file descriptor recommendation to ops gu
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-3683:
Summary: Add file descriptor recommendation to ops guide
Key: KAFKA-3683
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3683
Project: Kafka
Issue Type
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3666:
Leaving the github link here since the PR di
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3666:
Description: New Consumer API links in the docs point to the initial
proposed design doc. This
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-3666:
After looking at the docs in trunk, it l
Dustin Cote updated KAFKA-3666:
Summary: Update new Consumer API links in the docs (was: Update offset
checking example in the docs
Dustin Cote created KAFKA-3666:
Summary: Update offset checking example in the docs
Key: KAFKA-3666
URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3666
Project: Kafka
Issue Type: Improvement
Dustin Cote commented on KAFKA-2670:
I agree with Joel, it's probably bette
Thanks Joel, much appreciated!
On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Joel Koshy wrote:
> Done - and I left a comment on that ticket as well.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Dustin Cote wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I wanted to take a crack at impl
quest going?
-Dustin Cote
Dustin Cote
Customer Operations Engineer
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