;> >> >>
>> >> >> From my personal point of view, it’s possible that Impala should
>> have more design discussions on dev@, but given the volume of code
>> reviews and absent a deep culture and history of distinguishing between
>> what should just
cussions on dev@, but given the volume of code
> reviews and absent a deep culture and history of distinguishing between
> what should just be in a code review and what needs to be in a dev@
> design discussion, things seems to be in balance.
> >> >>
> >> >>
@, but given the volume of code reviews and
>> >> absent a deep culture and history of distinguishing between what should
>> >> just be in a code review and what needs to be in a dev@ design
>> >> discussion, things seems to be in balance.
>> >>
deep culture and history of distinguishing between what should
> just be in a code review and what needs to be in a dev@ design
> discussion, things seems to be in balance.
> >>
> >> On my soapbox a bit, Gerrit seems to be a much more capable tool that
> Github’s code review o
ferings. As a result, my opinion about the balance of
>> where discussions happen is colored by my love for Gerrit, as a user.
>> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 10:51 AM Jacques Nadeau wrote:
>>> I have a random comment on this project versus others I'm in
tool that
> Github’s code review offerings. As a result, my opinion about the balance of
> where discussions happen is colored by my love for Gerrit, as a user.
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 10:51 AM Jacques Nadeau wrote:
>> I have a random comment on this project versus ot
in balance.
On my soapbox a bit, Gerrit seems to be a much more capable tool that
Github’s code review offerings. As a result, my opinion about the balance
of where discussions happen is colored by my love for Gerrit, as a user.
On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 10:51 AM Jacques Nadeau wrote:
> I have a
I have a random comment on this project versus others I'm involved in. This
is not meant to be critical, it's just an observation.
It feels like very little discussion happens on the dev list other than the
random technical support email. Basically, all interaction is on Github (?)