Re: Iceberg Help

2023-03-17 Thread Sun Shine
main( From: Driesprong, Fokko Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 12:13 PM To: Subject: Re: Iceberg Help Hi Sun, Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you're Hive metastore is not running or is not reachable. The Hive metas

Re: Iceberg Help

2023-03-14 Thread Driesprong, Fokko
Hi Sun, Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you're Hive metastore is not running or is not reachable. The Hive metastore acts as a catalog to keep track of all the tables that you've created. You can spin up a metastore using docker . It is rec

Iceberg Help

2023-03-13 Thread Sun Shine
Hello: I need some help with my pyspark config, as shown below. I don't know if there is a config issue or if I am missing jar files. Could someone please help to have a working pyspark config? I am using a standalone spark install on my server with jupyter lab. My goal is to create an Iceberg