[dpdk-dev] time triggered send with the I210 controller ...

2014-03-14 Thread Armin Steinhoff
Hi All, I'm trying to implement the "time triggered send" as an extension of the PMD driver of the i210 controller. Are there ans application guides or sample codes showing how to handle the specific timer(s) of the i210 ? This nice feature isn't well documented ... Best Regards Armin Steinhpf

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread sabu kurian
Hello friends, As of now... I know on how to create an ipv4 header using the 'struct ipv4_hdr'. My requirement is to craft a packet and sent it via 'rte_eth_tx_burst'. I know that there should be an 'ether_hdr' created before, the packet could be sent. Could someone help me on how to set the addre

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread Richardson, Bruce
> Hello friends, > > As of now... I know on how to create an ipv4 header using the 'struct > ipv4_hdr'. > My requirement is to craft a packet and sent it via 'rte_eth_tx_burst'. > I know that there should be an 'ether_hdr' created before, the packet could > be sent. > Could someone help me on how

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread sabu kurian
Thank you very much Richardson for your valuable reply. But is there another way of doing it using the rte_pktmbuf_append / rte_pktmbuf_prepend ? Can you please tell me on how to do that ? Regards On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Richardson, Bruce < bruce.richardson at intel.com> wrote: > > Hel

[dpdk-dev] Segmentation Fault on printf()

2014-03-14 Thread sabu kurian
Hello friends, I'm trying to print the ether_type for a packet that I captured from a port on my machine. Suppose 'm' holds the packet. 'm' is of type 'struct rte_mbuf'. Intels API reference for DPDK says 'ether_type' is of uint16_t. I used the following code to retrieve ether_type. void * eth_ty

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread Richardson, Bruce
> From: sabu kurian [mailto:sabu2kurian at gmail.com] > Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 10:09 AM > To: Richardson, Bruce > Cc: dev at dpdk.org > Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Packet crafting > > Thank you very much Richardson for your valuable reply. But is there another > way of doing it using the?r

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread sabu kurian
Thanks on the reply Richardson. You did mention something like "Don't forget that when you get the mbuf from rte_pktmbuf_alloc, you also need to set the length value to the appropriate size." . Like I'm allocating the mbuf using rte_mbuf . The rte_mempool_create has already set the maximum packet

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread Richardson, Bruce
> From: sabu kurian [mailto:sabu2kurian at gmail.com] > Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 11:38 AM > To: Richardson, Bruce > Cc: dev at dpdk.org > Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Packet crafting > > Thanks on the reply Richardson. You did mention something like "Don't forget > that when you get the mbuf

[dpdk-dev] Packet crafting....

2014-03-14 Thread sabu kurian
Ok thanks a lot Richardson. I got your point. What confused me was that the size of MBUF and the maximum size are all passed to 'rte_mempool_create' . rte_pktmbuf_alloc has only one parameter , a pointer to the mbuf pool. I got it cleared now. Thanks for your valuable time. Can you answer my other

[dpdk-dev] Segmentation Fault on printf()

2014-03-14 Thread Chris Wright
* sabu kurian (sabu2kurian at gmail.com) wrote: > Hello friends, > > I'm trying to print the ether_type for a packet that I captured from a port > on my machine. Suppose 'm' holds the packet. 'm' is of type 'struct > rte_mbuf'. Intels API reference for DPDK says 'ether_type' is of uint16_t. > I us