> Hello friends, > > As of now... I know on how to create an ipv4 header using the 'struct > ipv4_hdr'. > My requirement is to craft a packet and sent it via 'rte_eth_tx_burst'. > I know that there should be an 'ether_hdr' created before, the packet could > be sent. > Could someone help me on how to set the address fields and type in > 'ether_hdr' and how to put the ipv4 header as the payload for ether_hdr. >
You probably want to do something like this to craft a full packet. First allocate an mbuf, then get it's data pointer as a ether_hdr structure, then an ip_hdr beyond that and then any L4 headers, e.g. udp, beyond that. For example, assuming mempool variable p: struct rte_mbuf *buf = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(p); struct ether_hdr *ehdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(buf, struct ether_hdr *); /* set ether_hdr fields here e.g. */ ehdr->ether_type = rte_bswap16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv4); struct ipv4_hdr *iphdr = (struct ipv4_hdr *)(&ehdr[1]); /* set ipv4 header fields here */ struct udp_hdr *uhdr = (struct udp_hdr *)(&iphdr[1]); /* set udp header fields here, e.g. */ uhdr->src_port = rte_bswap16(0x5000);