I have requirements to eliminate collections3 from my project. The latest
released BeanUtils is still dependent on collections3 though. I see that there
is a BEANUTILS_2 branch which is still depending on collections3. However, the
master branch has moved to collections4.4. What are the chan
One remaining development task for 2.x is to pull up the "2" types
into their parent:
- org.apache.commons.beanutils2.BeanUtilsBean2 extends BeanUtilsBean
- org.apache.commons.beanutils2.ConvertUtilsBean2 extends ConvertUtilsBean
The last time I tried this, tests failed and I was semi-stuck as to
I'm not tracking with that that entails. Is there a PR or Jira task you could
point me to?
It looks like 2.x is still pulling in collections3. Would you be open to
moving to collections4 as well for this release?
-Original Message-
From: Gary Gregory
Sent: Thursday, Aug
Hello Josh,
> Is there a PR or Jira task you could point me to?
> It looks like 2.x is still pulling in collections3.
Incorrect, git master depends on org.apache.commons:commons-collections4: