One remaining development task for 2.x is to pull up the "2" types
into their parent:

- org.apache.commons.beanutils2.BeanUtilsBean2 extends BeanUtilsBean
- org.apache.commons.beanutils2.ConvertUtilsBean2 extends ConvertUtilsBean

The last time I tried this, tests failed and I was semi-stuck as to
how to fix those.

Discussions and PRs on GitHub are welcome.


On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 10:51 AM Josh Fenlason
<> wrote:
> I have requirements to eliminate collections3 from my project.  The latest 
> released BeanUtils is still dependent on collections3 though.  I see that 
> there is a BEANUTILS_2 branch which is still depending on collections3.  
> However, the master branch has moved to collections4.4.  What are the chances 
> of a new BeanUtils release that is dependent on collections4?  What could I 
> do to assist with getting the ball rolling on that?
> Thanks,
> Josh.

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