Hi all,
I suggested the ideas for Chain2 incubation to Commons mailing but didn`t
receive any answers. So, I have written a short document to compare Chain2
against the original Chain.
I would really like to start this project with Common
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For
more information please visit http://gump.apache.org/nagged.html,
and/or contact the folk at gene...@gump.apache.org.
Project commons-configuration-test has an issue affecting its community
Bill Barker a écrit :
> Yes, happy to help. But would like comments on my latest copy/paste
> implementation. Reading over it again, there should be an
> AbstractIntHashMap class that does the duplicated code. But if you are
> planning to release soon, that could be pushed to v2.1. In any c
2009/4/25 Phil Steitz
> [+1] Yes!
> [+0] OK
> [-0 ] not thrilled about this, but OK
> [-1 ] no, because...
Hi Dan,
first of all I think your never-ending quest will be finished soon ...
:-) ... this was the motivational part.
Secondly, doing things manually when we are already using M2 is a sign
of defeat (which is fine for me since I get regularly defeated by
Maven). I checked my one and only release