Hi Dan,

first of all I think your never-ending quest will be finished soon ...
:-) ... this was the motivational part.

Secondly, doing things manually when we are already using M2 is a sign
of defeat (which is fine for me since I get regularly defeated by
Maven). I checked my one and only released commons project
(commons-exec) and I have the following definition

      <name>Apache Website</name>

As you see - this section is NOT tied to any profile and did work for
me. This is also the case for commons-email so I think your POM is not
100% correct. Having said that it is by far easier to copy your site
manually to "/www/commons.apache.org/dbutils/" than to cut a new release
- so let M2 win that time.


Siegfried Goeschl

Dan Fabulich wrote:
> I have hit another stumbling block in my neverending quest to release
> DbUtils 1.2.
> The wiki here http://wiki.apache.org/commons/CreatingReleases says in
> step "E.3 Deploy the Site" to run "mvn site-deploy", but that doesn't
> work.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Missing site information in the distribution management element
> in the project..
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And this is true.  dbutils/trunk/pom.xml includes a
> <distributionManagement> section, but only for the RC profile:
>   <profiles>
>     <profile>
>       <id>rc</id>
>       <distributionManagement>
>         <!-- Cannot define in parent ATM, see COMMONSSITE-26 -->
>         <site>
>           <id>apache.website</id>
>           <name>Apache Commons Release Candidate Staging Site</name>
> <url>${commons.deployment.protocol}://people.apache.org/www/people.apache.org/builds/commons/${commons.componentid}/${commons.release.version}/${commons.rc.version}/site</url>
>         </site>
>       </distributionManagement>
>     </profile>
>   </profiles>
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMMONSSITE-26 has some
> interesting comments and links to other bugs.
> Of course, "mvn -Prc site-deploy" works fine, but it just puts the
> deployed site in the builds directory; it doesn't actually deploy the
> site.  There is no configured site for "-Prelease".
> What exactly am I supposed to do at this point to get the site
> deployed? I suppose I should manually copy the site from
> /www/people.apache.org/builds/commons/dbutils/1.2/RC3/site ?  To where?
> -Dan
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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