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The following page has been changed by RahulAkolkar:
The comment on the change is:
Move older content to bottom of page.
Dear Wiki user,
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The following page has been changed by RahulAkolkar:
The comment on the change is:
Match prose to name.
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
> Hi Dennis,
> +) looked pretty
> deserted to me
> +) other projects made their release to "commons-xxx"instead of
> "org.apache.commons", e.g. commons-io which shows up in both locations
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
> Hi Rahul,
> it was so obvious that I did not understand the cause immediately
> 1) in my commons-exec pom I additionally defined the
> maven-changelog-plugin in the reporting section
> 2) I run "mvn -Prc release:prepare"
> So what h
Mostly OT with respect to vote, but might be useful for others to know
in this context ...
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:40 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
> Hi folks,
> after struggling with my and Maven's shortcomings (and wasting a release
> candidate) it is time to call a vote to release commons-e
Hi Rahul,
it was so obvious that I did not understand the cause immediately
1) in my commons-exec pom I additionally defined the
maven-changelog-plugin in the reporting section
2) I run "mvn -Prc release:prepare"
So what happens
+) the release plugin changes the SCM settings BEFORE creating the
Dear Wiki user,
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Commons Wiki" for
change notification.
The following page has been changed by RahulAkolkar:
The comment on the change is:
No svn cp needed if final name is used in tag.
Dear Wiki user,
You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Commons Wiki" for
change notification.
The following page has been changed by RahulAkolkar:
The comment on the change is:
Do not recommend tag names that include RCn (Phil and
Hi Dennis,
+) looked pretty
deserted to me
+) other projects made their release to "commons-xxx"instead of
"org.apache.commons", e.g. commons-io which shows up in both locations
Siegfried Goeschl
Dennis Lundberg wrote:
> See below...
Hi folks,
after struggling with my and Maven's shortcomings (and wasting a release
candidate) it is time to call a vote to release commons-exec-1.0.0
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Ken Tanaka wrote:
> Your new patch looks good, I would say that it should be committed to the
> project.
I have no cycles to evaluate [pipeline] contributions, but I can get
stuff into the [pipeline] trunk if thats OK. Here is my suggestion, if
you guys are upt
As a reminder, Commons SCXML does not support the SCXML Script Module
yet, since its not required (the required bits get more attention :-).
However, thats mainly a matter of prioritization, so if such support
becomes available it can surely be added.
At the crux of the issue, there are two option
Your new patch looks good, I would say that it should be committed to
the project.
Matt Sanford wrote:
Hi there,
I had forgotten to include the pom.xml. I added that change and
made the other one you mentioned as well.
— Matt Sanford
On Dec 16, 2008, at 11:49 AM,
I tried to use the o.a.c.s JEXL Context/Evaluator with an implementation of
the element. I want to make the