(AFK) Does this remove the class file in the root of the ant-launcher jar which
caused JPMS issues? If so, it might be worth mentioning in the release noyes.
From: Jaikiran Pai
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 8:35:22 AM
To: u...@ant.apache.org ; dev@ant.ap
Sounds good!
Thank you,
From: Jaikiran Pai
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 8:57:09 PM
To: Ant Developers List ; Gary Gregory
; Ant Users List
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Ant 1.10.14 based on RC1
Hello Gary,
Yes, that
I was a long-time Ant + Ivy and IvyDE. At work, we finally switched one of
our products to Maven. We have at least one other product that still uses
Ant + Ivy, I'm not sure what that team operates as an IDE.
>From my POV, you can't effectively and sanely develop using Ivy *without*
IDE support, in
That's great to hear Maarten.
On Sun, Nov 17, 2024, 5:41 AM Maarten Coene
> Hi all,
> good news, there will be no vote to retire the project for now.
> I will maintain the Ivy project (but extra volunteers are still very
> welcome !).
> I'll try to look into some of the open issue