That's great to hear Maarten. Gary
On Sun, Nov 17, 2024, 5:41 AM Maarten Coene <> wrote: > Hi all, > > good news, there will be no vote to retire the project for now. > I will maintain the Ivy project (but extra volunteers are still very > welcome !). > I'll try to look into some of the open issues and pull requests in the > next coming weeks and create a new release after that. > > Maarten > > > > > Op dinsdag 8 oktober 2024 om 17:01:02 CEST schreef Jaikiran Pai < >>: > > > > > > Hello everyone, > > Here's an update to this discussion - for reasons noted in this > discussion, the Ant PMC no longer has the ability to maintain Ivy > project. This thread was started more than a year back and we were > hoping that if there was enough interest then there would be some > proposals to fork the project or maintain the project outside of the Ant > PMC by people who have the ability to provide continued maintenance to > the Ivy project. > > Given the current status, the Ant PMC is considering initiating a vote > to retire the Ivy project (like we did for the IvyDE project). We plan > to initiate the vote next month (November) just to allow a few more > weeks for anyone to step forward if they would like to maintain the > project. > > -Jaikiran > > On 22/08/23 9:32 pm, Stefan Bodewig wrote: > > Hi all > > > > before I get to the actual content of this mail: > > > > * I'm cross-posting to three lists but I ask you to keep responses to > > dev@ant only (and join the list if necessary) if you want to respond. > > > > * what I write is my personal opinion and not shared by the PMC as a > > whole. The people on the PMC know I'd be writing a mail like this > > sooner or later, though. > > > > * this is a discussion, not a vote. > > > > phew > > > > I'm not quite sure what I hope to achieve with this email, but I'd like > > to share my thoughts - and raise the awareness of an elephant being in > > the room. > > > > Over the past year we've had three security vulnerabilities discovered > > in Ivy and it took us much too long to get them fixed. The reason for > > this is there are no people left around who are familiar with the Ivy > > code base. Most of the remaining developers around Ant are not even > > users of Ivy - I know I am not and have never been. > > > > When it comes to IvyDE things are probably even worse as nobody of us > > uses Eclipse, either. But then again I've not managed to create an > > Eclipse update site for the last two Ivy releases so maybe nobody is > > using IvyDE anymore anyway. > > > > At least *I* don't see myself digging deeper into the Ivy code base in > > order to fix non-critical bugs. And even for the critical ones I feel we > > are not doing an adequate job. To me it looks as if Ivy and in > > particilar IvyDE are no longer really supported by the Ant project. > > > > TBH I'm not quite sure what to do about this. Even if people stepped up > > to maintain Ivy, the rest of the Ant devs would probably be unable to > > verify the changes they want to make. At least I certainly am not > > willing to review bigger PRs/patches to a code base I don't understand > > well. > > > > Personally I believe we should send IvyDE to the Apache Attic > > immediately, and this likely should be the destination for Ivy sooner or > > later as well. In the case of Ivy we know there are people who depend on > > it (hi, Groovy folks) so maybe we should give a date in the future until > > which we are providing security bug fixes to give people time to move > > off. > > > > There may be the need for a dependency management system inside of Ant, > > I'm not sure. If so, then this should be driven by people who feel the > > actual need IMO. There may already be alternatives to Ivy I am not aware > > of. > > > > Stefan > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > > For additional commands, e-mail: > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > >