Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Version: 2:2.16.0-1
X server is 1:7.6+9. Libdrm2 is 2.4.27-1. Libdrm-intel1 is 2.4.27-1.
Kernel is linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64 version 3.1.1-1. Hardware is Sandy
Bridge integrated graphics.
[ 7320.393] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x26) [0x7f78f72f58f6]
[ 732
> could you please confirm that your problem is fixed since version
> 2: in which #649420 [1] was closed.
I haven't had the X server SIGSEGV in ages (I've had just one hard lock
in the last months). Closing.
Thanks for your help,
-- Juliusz
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-x-re
This is fixed in upstream CVS. It is due to the 4.2 version of the
Savage driver mis-detecting the video memory size.
A workaround is to set the size in your XF86Config-4 explicitly using
the VideoRam keyword. A proper solution is to remove the code that
(mistakenly) probes for the memory size u
One Sun engineer claimed on the XFree86 lists that the IPv6
implementation required a minor protocol change. Of course, this may
have been mere bragging (of the ``look, we've done some really hard
work''), or else an indication of how they like to do complicated
things when it's not needed. (Yes,
FMDN> I was not aware of other implementations when i started merging and
FMDN> working on this one (talking about Sun and INRIA). Are they publically
FMDN> available?? any URL??
The INRIA implementation is but a vague memory. I don't think that
Sun's implementation is available to the ge
> PS I was not able to search too much on INRIA and on the university of
> Paris (as suggested) for the simple reason that 99% of the pages I found
> are in french.
Typing ``X11R6 IPv6 INRIA'' in Google gives the following English page
as the third hit:
The current Type 1 rasteriser is being obsoleted. In the default 4.3
installation, it will only be used for CIDFonts, and I hope to kill it
completely in a future release.
Life is short, and I do not intend to fix this bug myself, although
I'll be glad to accept a patch that does.
Would you be so kind as to write to the driver's authors and ask them
why they don't get their driver included in the upstream XFree86 tree.
Just to let you know that 4.3.0 is out, and this is the right time to
take your patches upstream. If you're still interested in pursuing
the matter, please go to, subscribe to the devel
mailing list, and start the discussion.
I am looking forwards to seeing you there.
That's expected behaviour: Xft doesn't grok Speedo fonts (an obsolete
Could you please try out version 1.1.27 of the Savage driver
and see if the problem goes away?
TM> X server crashes when modules freetype and xtt are both enabled. Here is
TM> Duplicate symbol TT_FreeType_Version in
It doesn't crash, it fails gracefully.
The fact that both modules cannot be used simultaneously is
documented. If any configuration tools produce XF86Config files wit
JL> vesa one is vesa 1, i.e. vbe, afaik, so it works in lots of places
JL> where vesafb doesn't.
Just to be pedantic: Xvesa does work on anything that has either VBE
1.2 or later, or a VGA BIOS, or an EGA BIOS. (It has been tested on a
plain EGA chipset by a friendly sysadmin from Sverdlovsk.)
Does the directory with the fonts contain a proper encodings.dir file?
In other words, have you run mkfontdir with the proper -e option?
I am fairly positive that ISO 8859-13 does work correctly. However,
it is not a built-in encoding, and the server relies on an
encodings.dir file to locate its
Je vous suggère d'en
envoyer le contenu sur la liste debian-users. Voyez sur pour la liste des listes de discussion.
Attention : les listes Debian sont de langue anglaise. Si vous
envoyez un message en français, vous risquez de vous faire mal voir.
Sorry to ask the obvious: you do ``Load "glx"'' in your XF86Config-4?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This issue should hopefully be fixed upstream in 4.3.0. There will be
no fix for 4.2.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does playing with the pci_burst and pci_retry options change anything?
(See the s3virge manual page.)
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No reply...
Could I please ask you to tell me whether you can reproduce the
problem without Tk, i.e. what happens if you do
xfd -fn '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-75-75-p-*-iso8859-1'
If the problem is not reproducible with xfd, it's a Tk bug, not an X
bug. If it is reproducible wit
Font installation is documented in the README.fonts file (under
xfree86-common). This file does not metion xfs as I (the author of
the document) believe that xfs is a Bad Idea and do not wish to
promote its use.
However, font installation using xfs is documented in the xfs(1)
manual page. With s
> The xlsfonts man page doesn't explain "pattern" good enough.
$ man xlfonts
Xlsfonts lists the fonts that match the given pattern. The wildcard
character "*" may be used to match any sequence of characters (includ-
ing none), and "?" to match any single character
Note by the way that two default modelines for 1400x1050 have been
included in XFree86 4.2.0 (after Debian 3.0). The list of default X
server modelines is in hw/xfree86/common/xf86DefModes.c, and
configuration tools could probably link against this file.
Please note that the en_GB.ISO8859-15 locale *is* supported by the X
server (at least in current CVS). It uses the ISO 8859-15 character
encoding, which makes the Euro sign available. However, it differs
from an ``@euro'' variant because it uses the Pound, not the Euro, as
the currency symbol.
>> Does playing with the pci_burst and pci_retry options change anything?
>> (See the s3virge manual page.)
DE> I wish it did. I spent a couple of days with the s3virge manpage trying
DE> every possible combinition of variables I could think of, with no luck.
I suspect you may have a hardware is
PK> No, I do not have any encodings.dir files. What I run is:
PK> ttmkfdir > fonts.scale
PK> mkfontdir
$ mkfontdir -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings \
-e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/large
Other useful commands include ``less fonts.README'' and ``man mkfontdir''.
>> Well, I don't necessarily think that's the case, since my
>> understanding is that the "@euro" modifier refers to the
>> characteristics of the locale setting as opposed to the details of
>> economic zones.
I suggest that we postpone this debate until Her Gracious Majesty's
Government convinces
This is fixed in upstream CVS. It is due to the 4.2 version of the
Savage driver mis-detecting the video memory size.
A workaround is to set the size in your XF86Config-4 explicitly using
the VideoRam keyword. A proper solution is to remove the code that
(mistakenly) probes for the memory size u
One Sun engineer claimed on the XFree86 lists that the IPv6
implementation required a minor protocol change. Of course, this may
have been mere bragging (of the ``look, we've done some really hard
work''), or else an indication of how they like to do complicated
things when it's not needed. (Yes,
FMDN> I was not aware of other implementations when i started merging and
FMDN> working on this one (talking about Sun and INRIA). Are they publically
FMDN> available?? any URL??
The INRIA implementation is but a vague memory. I don't think that
Sun's implementation is available to the ge
> PS I was not able to search too much on INRIA and on the university of
> Paris (as suggested) for the simple reason that 99% of the pages I found
> are in french.
Typing ``X11R6 IPv6 INRIA'' in Google gives the following English page
as the third hit:
The current Type 1 rasteriser is being obsoleted. In the default 4.3
installation, it will only be used for CIDFonts, and I hope to kill it
completely in a future release.
Life is short, and I do not intend to fix this bug myself, although
I'll be glad to accept a patch that does.
Would you be so kind as to write to the driver's authors and ask them
why they don't get their driver included in the upstream XFree86 tree.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
Just to let you know that 4.3.0 is out, and this is the right time to
take your patches upstream. If you're still interested in pursuing
the matter, please go to, subscribe to the devel
mailing list, and start the discussion.
I am looking forwards to seeing you there.
Hi, Branden, how's tricks?
> > > This issue should hopefully be fixed upstream in 4.3.0.
> > Is this really the case? If so, this scary bug should be closed.
In the default configuration, it should no longer apply to Type 1
fonts. However, it still applies to CIDFonts.
CIDFonts are history.
> These are probably bugs in the manpages: They use '-' where '\-'
> should be used.
It's a little more complicated than that.
Both Unicode and roff distinguish between the hyphen (- in roff,
U+002D) and the minus sign (\- in roff, U+2010).
If used with the right font, XTerm will display both.
MS> OK, I give up! I use 9x15 almost everywhere. Please, suggest
MS> alternatives that meet this criterion . . .
9x15 is an alias for
You should use
Yes, having to spec
MS> Two (2) questions remain:
I grant you two (2) questions.
MS> [1] Why am I confused by xrdb?
Everyone is confused by xrdb.
MS> Why did it give me some _other_ font?
No idea. I'm confused by xrdb.
MS> [2] Once I am in an xterm window, *HOW* can I query that window for its
MS> current c
Hi Thomas!
>> The latest xterm seems to be able to display CJK characters.
>> However, I found that after running a slang / ncurses application,
>> the characters become garbled again.
Geoffrey: as a workaround, you may do
TERM=kterm; export TERM
> So, if that's true, does that mean it is lui
TD> I read what I could find on EUC, but don't see where it uses codes 0-31 for
TD> printable text.
It doesn't use codes 0-31.
EUC is an application of of ISO 2022 that uses G1, which is one of the
registers of the ISO 2022 virtual machine. For example, in EUC-CN, G1
points at GB-2312.
ESC ) 0
TD> ...and since it has to be set to a particular value (and because there's
TD> no good method to determine what it was - or isn't there?) you suggest
TD> that the application not use G1 for anything else.
Exactly. (There is none.)
I suggest that the application use smacs=\E(0, which sets G0 to
That's expected behaviour: Xft doesn't grok Speedo fonts (an obsolete
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Could you please try out version 1.1.27 of the Savage driver
and see if the problem goes away?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PR
> Is somebody could explain me what would I have to change in debian (rules?
> or elsewhere) to try to rebuild this Xhp server under linux?
Please note that Xhp is not supported by XFree86, and most probably
doesn't build.
Try adding a file xc/config/cf/host.def with the following line:
> Is somebody could explain me what would I have to change in debian (rules?
> or elsewhere) to try to rebuild this Xhp server under linux?
Please note that Xhp is not supported by XFree86, and most probably
doesn't build.
Try adding a file xc/config/cf/host.def with the following line:
Tags: upstream, wontfix
Hi. (I'm the original author of the FreeType backend in X.Org.)
This bug was introduced in revision 1.32 of ftfuncs.c[1] in XFree86
CVS[2] on 19 October 2003 by David Dawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. This
commit was made against my opinion (as expressed on the internal
Package: xfonts-encodings
Version: 1:1.0.2-1
Hi David, hi Julien,
In /usr/share/doc/xfonts-encodings/copyright, I read,
> Copyright 2002-2004 Red Hat Inc., Durham, North Carolina.
> All Rights Reserved.
Considering that I personally generated most of the files contained in
this package, and tha
BC> It would be nice if Xlibs used the same format file (and even
BC> better if it could just symlink and use that exact file).
Impossible for licencing reasons: we cannot use GPL'd code in XFree86
(and we support a number of systems that don't use glibc).
Dear all,
I've recently switched to a Debian system and I am wondering how to
track the XFree86 CVS version without wreaking havoc with the
packaging system. I'm very happy with my Potato (2.2r2) system, and I
definitely don't want to upgrade libc.
(Just taking the opportunity to say how happy I
Dear Seth,
Thank you very much for your advice.
SA> You can indeed build Branden's packages for potato, but Charl P. Botha
SA> has done this already!
I am aware of Charl's packages.
The issue is that I want to *litterally* track XFree86 CVS. I want to
be able to say ``cvs diff'' when I'm worki
HST> As for why some packages explicitly depends on xaw3dg, it just
HST> shows that Xaw3d and plain Xaw are not 100% compatible -- see gv,
HST> for example. I'm not sure if gv is exactly *dependent* on
HST> xaw3d-specific features; maybe it is.
I believe that there is a problem with applications t
different machine from the one you're sitting
Unless you know what you're doing, you should probably not be running
a font server.
Juliusz Chroboczek
MM> Sure, got that. But on the other hand I don't exactly know what
MM> could eat up ressources in the font serving. Meaning what
MM> performance gains can be expected by using a font server. I can
MM> only understand that using a font server is useful for
MM> adminitration purposes, so you can cen
BK> Also, the X server blocks while rasterizing fonts internally (at least it
BK> didn't with XFree86 3.3.x; I'm not sure about 4.0.x), which makes the
BK> computer seem to hang when using a new font.
When computing metrics, actually. And yes, this is still true in 4.*,
although the TrueType back
I see that XFree86 4 is not in testing. Does that mean that 4 will
not be in the next release of Debian?
Any chance of getting at least the client-side in?
>> At a guess, it's probably worthwhile uploading just the X client
>> side of X4 for m68k, which should at least mean that if X4 is added
>> to testing (woody), the only thing that'll be broken is the X
>> server, rather than a thousand otherwise innocent packages...
CTS> What is "the client side
(Debian-68k removed from CC.)
CTS> OT: can you tell me how to get the applications use fonts as in
CTS> 3.3.6? Especially in gnome-addressbook,
Sorry, I am not familiar with Gnome.
Font selection is, generally speaking, a client-side issue. A client
may, however, chose to underspecify a font (
BR> For a single user workstation, you could just edit the conffile
BR> /etc/X11/fonts/misc/xfonts-base.alias .
BR> On a multiuser workstation, probably the only thing you can do is run your
BR> own font server process. :-/
mkdir ~/local-fonts
ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/* ~/local-fo
DP> The main thing I want to do is to replace font "fixed" with
DP> "-cronyx-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-koi8-r"
Are you sure that you still have the Cronyx fonts on your system (try
xlsfonts, xfontsel, xfd). Recent versions of XFree86 come with a
standard set of KOI8-R-encode
>> but the server still tries to load the modules?
MD> Have you made World or Everything afterwards?
Make World. Make Everything assumes no config files have changed.
CB> Read and install the
CB> UNOFFICIAL potato versions of the 4.0.2 debs.
I would suggest that you only install the 4.0.2 *server* until you
feel comfortable with your system. There are certain issues with
running the 4.0.2 libraries with a distributio
CB> I would like to know about these, since I've been running 4.0.x on
CB> potato for a very long time now.
While every effort is made upstream to preserve binary compatibility
whenever possible, there have been some issues in the past. For
example, Netscape 4.* and earlier wouldn't run properly
CI> xserver starts but no text, icons are displayed in any
CI> application, desktop or menu.
CI> there is a background image.
I hope you've got a pretty background image.
What happens if you don't enable DRI?
(Not that I'm likely to be able to help in either case, it's just so
we can find the co
SK> I installed freetype2-dev to get the freetype headers in the first
SK> place. I also noticed that in the command above we have
SK> "-I/usr/include/freetype2" while the include files for freetype are in
SK> "/usr/include/freetype" (notice the missing "2"). Making a symlink from
SK> freetype
AF> apt-get install libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev
AF> Enough confusion yet? :-)
I'm speechless. This is beautiful.
HS> PEXExtensionInit: Couldn't open default PEX font file Roman_M
HS> ^^^
The PEX extension (PHIGS over X) is misconfigured. As the PEX
extension is all but obsolete (nowadays, people use GLX instead), this
doesn't matter.
If you're using 4.*, you might as well comment out the ``Load "GLX"'
>> If you're using 4.*, you might as well comment out the ``Load "GLX"''
>> line in your config file to disable PEX altogether.
Er, sorry. That was ``Load "PEX"'' of course.
DS> Hi! Last night I attempted to upgrade X from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 in testing
DS> (Version 4.0.2-1 I believe). Upgrade went fine. However, when restarting
DS> X it went into an infinite loop and started hogging 99.8% CPU time.
DS> Running strace showed that it got as far as reading and parsing
DS> /et
JP> If XFree86 says `put this file here' and FHS says `put that file
JP> here instead', I'd be inclined to do what XFree86 says.
To my knowledge, the XFree86 core team has said no such thing. While
I am not entitled to speak for the core team, I am pretty sure most
core team members don't give a
GS> You mean to say a Voodoo2 graphics card that is sold/marketed/used as a
GS> 3D only chipset, can be used under X4 as a '2D' card? With no other
GS> VESA/VGA card available?
Yep. It's a ``shadowfb'' driver: all rendering is done in software to
a ``shadow framebuffer'', and the updated area of
Could you please check that your keymap is consistent with the ones
included in XFree86 4?
Me (Juliusz Chroboczek):
JC> I think we need the DFSG to explicitly provide an exception for
JC> fonts and artwork.
Branden Robinson:
BR> I disagree. To do so would introduce far too much gray area, in my
BR> opinion, and get Debian involved in even more licensing flamewar
DS> Does it cover Latin-3?
Yes, they do.
DS> If it doesn't, then there's a number of characters that could be
DS> added in minutes with the right tools to provide for support of
DS> Esperanto, Maltese and other languages, but we can't, because of
DS> the license.
We share your concern, and we di
Branden Robinson:
BR> There are lots of ways to preserve artistic integrity. It's
BR> perfectly compatible with the DFSG to, for instance, require that
BR> modified versions change the name of the relevant
BR> (font|executable|data file), to include a disclaimer in the
BR> copyright info about th
Dear Mark,
There has been some discussion recently on the Debian list devoted to
maintaining X (see CC) about the lack of a shared version of the Xv
library. There would appear to be an opinion that shared versions of
the libraries should be included.
Any chance you could drop a note to the list
IM> I've seen XFree86 4.02 X server to crash when WINE have calculated
IM> font metrics for TTF fonts.
(This should be fixed in 4.0.3; it was a bug introduced in the 4.0.2
version of the TrueType backend. More fixes for 4.1.0.)
Using a font server in this case would not have saved you; instead o
BA> Anyone got any suggestions?
If it's anything else, drop me a note so I can update this document.
KP> I hope this never happens -- using 10646 X fonts will bloat the X
KP> server and all applications by a huge amount.
RM> Please explain?
MH> 1) What can the X server and xfs each currently do WRT #1 above
The scalable backends ``type1'', ``speedo'' and ``freetype'' can
recode fonts to an arbitrary encoding using a common, extensible
database of encodings. ``speedo'' and ``type1'' are limited to 256
codepoints, ``freetype'' knows n
Keith Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
KP> PCF was designed to support multiple encodings from the same file; there
KP> are table entries per encoding.
That surprises me somewhat. How do you support multiple sets of
properties in a single PCF file?
>> Option "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
>> does work fine for me :)
JB> Wow, thanks. This is awesome!
Sorry I didn't follow the discussion until now. You've just exhibited
a bug in the acceleration code for your driver and localised it very
precisely. This is material
Great work, Branden. Thanks a lot.
BR> + mkfontdir will howl about 3 fonts in xfonts-75dpi. This is
BR> an upstream bug and has already been reported. I don't want
BR> to hear about it.
Haven't heard about it. Which fonts are these?
BR> + [xbase-clients?] new utilities: dpsex
H> running debian unstable w/ gnome gui recently
H> (past few weeks) upgraded gnome apps started taking
H> 5 to 10 seconds to crank up. Logging onto X via
H> gnome takes close to a minute for my desktop to
H> come up. The network gets beat on in the process
H> (watching idiot lights on my cable m
>> How can I choose the default font size when using xfs? Even though
>> I started X via '$X11/bin/xinit -- -quiet -dpi 75', I still get the
>> giant 100dpi fonts, e.g. in Mozilla.
MD> If the font server serves 100dpi fonts, there's nothing the X
MD> server can do about that.
That's not true. Th
DS> Does anyone know how to enable the numeric keypad on a thinkpad? Under
DS> windows the shift+numlk combo is used to toggle the numeric keypad on
DS> and off. However, under X 4.0.3 this doesn't work, it merely makes the
DS> relevant keys unusable.
Looks like the BIOS is doing nonstandard thing
DL> The root of the problem is that the int10 subsystem is extremely broken for
DL> Alpha, at least for the type of Alpha that I have (LX). After int10 has
DL> done its work, calls to sleep(), usleep(), nanosleep(), etc. never return.
Would you be so kind as to report this upstream? I wou
MB> Yesterday I installed kernel 2.4.6 (I used 2.2.17) and now Xgalaga does NOT
MB> crash anymore!
Pity, twere good if we could debug this problem. But it may simply be
a DRI version problem.
MB> About X, I still can't get X to run on 1280x1024
MB> (II) I810(0): Clock range: 12.00 to 13
Dear Mantias,
MK> I send this message about 3 times, but don't get normal answer :(
This answer is written from an ``upstream'' point of view. I don't
know whether you want to consider it as ``normal''.
MK> Maybe it's hard to change 2 lines (from
MK> "russian ru_RU.ISO-8859-5" and "russian : r
[CCd to debian-x in case someone is interested]
>> I am attaching a fragment of an X protocol dump.
MM> I'm curious... how do you get this?
I'm using an old, old tool called `xscope'. I have found it an
absolutely necessary tool for debugging X efficiency problems. A
trace of your app can poi
Lines: 15
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.7/Emacs 20.7
Original-Sender: Juliusz Chroboczek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PR> I've noticed the xfonts-{misc,75dpi,100dpi} packages provides latin2
PR> fonts. They are the same fonts as in my xfonts-biznet-
JB> I have a bug report (109488) about certain text widgets (gtk) being
JB> garbled. The questioner believes that this is due to certain fonts
JB> being requested without giving an encoding preference (just "-*-"),
JB> and a 16 bit font being returned where the client program is expecting
JB> an
Looking at various bug reports, I find myself mighty confused.
Checking XFree86 CVS, I have confirmed that the numeric reordering
hack for core fonts did go into 4.1.0 (fontdir.c, 3.15 through 3.17,
3.17 is tagged all of xf-4_1_99_1, xf-4_1_0-bindist, xf-4_1_0,
xf-4_1-branch, xf-4_0_99_902, xf-4_0
I keep seeing this sort of bug reports. Unless there's something
obviously wrong in the log file (typically, undefined symbol warnings
from the module loader), there is simply no way to debug a SIGSEGV
without a stack backtrace. (Of course, somebody particularly
brilliant may be able to m
HvdM> Aah, I see. I talked to this friend, I think he lied, couldn't figure it
HvdM> out. I've installed on another machine where I discovered this to be the
HvdM> case. So to get e.g. emacs to use alt instead of win-key (more
HvdM> conveniently placed ;) I need to edit the X keymap?
Just change t
SB> But I still get
SB> Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,
removing from list!
SB> Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,
removing from list!
SB> in /var/log/XFree86.0.log, even though the directories exist, and both
CP> This is the phenomen: Thin Client and Server work well, then -
CP> randomly - with a distance of a couple of days a single client
CP> looses its connection to the Xserver. It doesn't recognize this,
CP> so you can move the mouse cursor,
This is the expected behaviour. X11 connections are not
DP> Oh, I didn't know about uxterm. All the same, though, xterm
DP> itself is handy because it's present in the "User Application
DP> list" menu (left click in Enlightenment), uxterm isn't.
Yes it is (Branden, we love you). You may need to rebuild the E
menus, but I don't know how that is done (
> (Branden's latest 4.1.0 packages are, roughly, equivalent to
> what's planned for 4.2.0.)
...with regard to XTerm.
Don't be so modest. You've also being doing a great job of
integrating Xlib fixes. (And probably other things that I've not been
following as closely.)
Er... that's not strictly X related, what's a better mailing list?
SB> I recognize that on my US Debian system, characters 0-127 are
SB> simply ASCII, and that characters 160-255 are ISO-8859-1.
SB> What standard covers characters 128-159?
ISO 2022, or perhaps ISO 6429. Or something else.
While everything that Branden has said is true, I feel that I should
also present the other side of the story.
Both the font server and the X server will keep a copy of all the
currently open fonts. Thus, using a font server will double the
amount of memory you're devoting to fonts.
In a default
JL> I was wondering if there were any plans to package the kdrive
JL> servers once 4.2 gets out?
At some point Samuele Tonon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was planning to
package Xvesa, but I haven't heard from him since. The two of you may
want to get in touch.
JL> If noone is planning to package them, I
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