xserver-xorg-video-intel: Changes to 'upstream-experimental'

2012-12-07 Thread Timo Aaltonen
NEWS | 18 configure.ac |2 src/i965_3d.c|4 src/i965_render.c| 32 src/i965_video.c |6 src/intel_batchbuffer.c |6 src/intel_dri.c | 10 src/intel_driver.c |

xserver-xorg-video-intel: Changes to 'debian-experimental'

2012-12-07 Thread Timo Aaltonen
ChangeLog| 156 + NEWS | 18 configure.ac |2 debian/changelog |6 src/i965_3d.c|4 src/i965_render.c| 32 src/i965_video.c |6 src/intel_batchbuffer.c |

xorg-server: Changes to 'upstream-experimental'

2012-12-07 Thread Maarten Lankhorst
Xext/saver.c|2 ++ Xi/xipassivegrab.c |8 +++- configure.ac|6 +++--- dix/window.c|2 ++ hw/dmx/dmxcursor.c |2 ++ hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c |7 ++- include/xkbsrv.h|1 + randr/randr

xorg-server: Changes to 'debian-experimental'

2012-12-07 Thread Maarten Lankhorst
ChangeLog | 154 Xext/saver.c|2 Xi/xipassivegrab.c |8 -- configure.ac|6 - debian/changelog|5 - debian/serverminver |2 dix/window.c

xorg-server: Changes to 'ubuntu'

2012-12-07 Thread Maarten Lankhorst
ChangeLog| 154 +++ Xext/saver.c |2 Xi/xipassivegrab.c |8 configure.ac |6 debian/changelog

Bug#640499: libxvmc: please add multiarch support

2012-12-07 Thread Julien Cristau
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 00:43:55 +0100, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote: > MultiArch support is a release goal, and the fix for this bug is > clearly not invasive nor big: > The release goal was to get rid of ia32-libs. Which is now done. Anything beyond that can, and will, wait for jessie. Ch

Processed: Re: Bug#695320: xorg: Brightness switches from minimum to maximum multiple times a second

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing control commands: > reassign -1 src:linux 3.2.32-1 Bug #695320 [xorg] xorg: Brightness switches from minimum to maximum multiple times a second Bug reassigned from package 'xorg' to 'src:linux'. No longer marked as found in versions xorg/1:7.7+1. Ignoring request to alter fixed version

Bug#695320: xorg: Brightness switches from minimum to maximum multiple times a second

2012-12-07 Thread Julien Cristau
Control: reassign -1 src:linux 3.2.32-1 Control: retitle -1 disfunctional samsung backlight control on NP300E5X-A01 On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 01:25:11 +0100, Kim Twain wrote: > Starting my computer (Samsung NP300E5X-A01, Intel Celeron B815 APU) the > brightness is set at its minimum; when I try to

Processed: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org: > found 695067 mesa/8.0.5-3 Bug #695067 [src:mesa] mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T' Marked as found in versions mesa/8.0.5-3. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. --

Processed: unmerge

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org: > unmerge 449480 Bug #449480 {Done: Julien Cristau } [xterm] some common Chinese characters missing Bug #408666 {Done: Julien Cristau } [xterm] uxterm: bold attribute causes some glyphs to fail rendering Bug #469943 {Done: Julien Cristau } [xterm]

Processed: bug #449480

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org: > tags 449480 - fixed-upstream Bug #449480 {Done: Julien Cristau } [xterm] some common Chinese characters missing Removed tag(s) fixed-upstream. > reopen 449480 Bug #449480 {Done: Julien Cristau } [xterm] some common Chinese characters missing 're

Processed: bug #449480

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org: > notfixed 449480 xterm/287-1 Bug #449480 [xterm] some common Chinese characters missing Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #449480 to the same values previously set > -- Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assista

Processed: Re: Bug#695067: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T'

2012-12-07 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing control commands: > tag -1 moreinfo Bug #695067 [src:mesa] mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T' Added tag(s) moreinfo. -- 695067: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=695067 Debian Bug Tracking System Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with

Bug#695067: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T'

2012-12-07 Thread Julien Cristau
Control: tag -1 moreinfo On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 02:33:28 +0900, Hiroyuki Yamamoto wrote: > Source: mesa > Version: 8.0.5-2 > Severity: normal > Tags: patch upstream > > Hi, > > In output of nm utility, symbols are marked with 'D' on powerpc64-linux > instead of 'T'. > Here is a patch and a bu

Bug#695067: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T'

2012-12-07 Thread Hiroyuki Yamamoto
(2012-12-07 20:38 +0100), Julien Cristau wrote: >> Hi, Hi, >> In output of nm utility, symbols are marked with 'D' on powerpc64-linux >> instead of 'T'. >> Here is a patch and a buildlog attached. >> >> http://buildd.debian-ports.org/status/package.php?p=mesa&suite=sid >> > Sending a 3M attachm

Bug#695067: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T'

2012-12-07 Thread Julien Cristau
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 23:22:25 +0900, Hiroyuki Yamamoto wrote: > (2012-12-07 20:38 +0100), Julien Cristau wrote: > >> Hi, > > Hi, > > >> In output of nm utility, symbols are marked with 'D' on powerpc64-linux > >> instead of 'T'. > >> Here is a patch and a buildlog attached. > >> > >> http:/

Bug#695067: mesa: FTBFS on ppc64: symbols marked with 'D' on powerpc64 instead of 'T'

2012-12-07 Thread Hiroyuki Yamamoto
(2012-12-08 00:20 +0100), Julien Cristau wrote: >>> - explain why we should be building the vmware driver on ppc64 >> >> Do you ask me for the justification for existence of libxatracker1 >> package in mesa source? >> > I guess it doesn't make much sense on non-x86, indeed. I think so, too, but F