Stanislav Valasek:
looks broken after language italian (0 outdated) text.
Than starts the weird characters: Weird. There was some problems with the disk on gluck, where this page is
hosted, and this might be a symptom of that.
I'll have a look and s
Thomas Huriaux:
> The following files have a missing translation-check header.
All translated files should have a translation-check header.
> Is there any objection that I fix it?
Please do.
Peter -
I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.
I have resurrected the outdated translations list. As before it can be found
I disabled it after the problems with the CVS repository, and promptly
forgot to enable it again until today. Sorry about that :-)
\\// Peter
Amery von Schoultz:
> Vi upptäckte att ni har en föråldrad, icke fungerande länk till TT-språket
> på er sida
Tack, jag har korrigerat det nu, rättelsen dyker upp på severn inom ett
To the list: Broken link was reported, and has now been fixed.
Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.
Jutta Wrage:
I know, that there is some bad usage of a tags on the debian pages.
That's not really bad usage (although using the "id" attribute on the
would have been better). What was bad was the CSS assuming that "a" is a
link. I fixed that the other day.
The CSS now reads:
:link { color: #0
Richard Atterer:
Hmm - according to the CSS2 spec (5.11.2), :link and :visited are mutually
exclusive, so :link:visited won't work, or am I mistaken?
It seems to work. For something to be visited, it must be a link... But
you're right, I seem to have misunderstood it slightly. I'll fix it in a
Andreas Wuest:
Beside that a-tags are closed by in html.
It is closed! It is a so called 'empty element'
Debian's pages are HTML, not XHTML. You can't have empty elements in HTML,
you need to close them properly.
I don't know if this is the prettiest solution though. I would really
Jutta Wrage:
Use to clean up your cvs checkout...
I'll do that later to give a chance to the translators to recover the
obviously lost translated content. only removes the locally built HTML files, it does not touch
anything in the CVS.
Peter - http:
Thomas Huriaux:
These .transignore's ask to ignore files which are the original. As they
are the original, there is no need to translate theses files.
At the time they were added, the scripts could not cope with originals being
non-English, so these files were added to get the scripts to shut
Jens Seidel:
Please note that still complains about file which are
non-English originals such as german/consultants/jurgen_l.wml.
Hmm, I thought that was fixed.
Is this wanted?
No, the idea is that it should check if the english file has a pointer back
to the language versi
> What most of us do is install wml and apache on our own machines and
> browse that way.
Tried that, but I was unsuccessfull. I just did an "apt-get install wml",
but it gives a cryptic perl error (cryptic since I haven't had the
opportunity to learn perl yet):
dat95pkn [~/debian/webwml/swedish]
> Hope this solves your problem.
It did, thanks!
Now to figure out how to configure my Apache to deliver the
without giving the directory listing...
Peter -
The homepage says that:
Debian is kernel independent. It currently uses the Linux
kernel but work is in progress to provide Debian for other kernels,
using Hurd.
while intro/about says:
Debian uses the Linux kernel,
(which I gather is an earlier version, since the Danish translation
> This is mentioned in .
> Change the DirectoryIndex line in srm.conf to
> DirectoryIndex index
I'm unable to get it to work. When I change to that, and add all the
languages to the "AddLanguage" and "LanguagePriority", the server will
neither serve me my index.html
> Did you add "Options MultiViews" in the appropriate directory
> section in /etc/apache/access.conf?
That I missed. Now I get a "403 Forbidden" instead of a directory listing
for my directory. Not a direct improvment :)
> Also, did you restart the apache server after updating the co
> That I missed. Now I get a "403 Forbidden" instead of a directory listing
> for my directory. Not a direct improvment :)
Whoops. Seems Apache didn't like the combination of content negotiation and
a directory in the path with 711 permissions. After moving the directory it
works just f
/english/releases/slink/index.wml :
> comments. Contributors or readers wonder exactly what is new should
> see the ChangeLog.
shouldn't that be "wonderING"?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news postin
> Anyway, I suppose such a script would be helpful for new translators
> to generate the buttons for their own language. :-)
> A needed side effect also is to replace the current English buttons with
> anti-aliased ones so they look better. :-)
And to mark the red colour as transparent. The colo
> If I have time later today I'll do this for devel/HOWTO_translate.wml as
> it will be a much simple example.
The y2k pages should also be separated in this way.
Peter -
> Added files:
> english: search.wml
Uhm, you do know that using heading markers just to get larger text isn't
really that a good idea, don't you?
I think I'll change that into for the Swedish translation...
Peter -
When answering to mailin
Is it a good or a bad idea to translate the text of a license?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
> Depends on the license. If you are referring to the license for the
> Debian pages, , it contains the
> following line:
That, and the others (like the logotype license).
> You may translate these documents and their license
The vote pages give links to "/vote/foo" instead of "foo" or "../vote/foo",
which is a problem when I try them out on my local server after the
translation, sine they there reside under "/".
I've "fixed" it with a redirecting .htaccess file, but I would prefer that
the links poi
Is any statistics available on how many times the different language versions
of the pages are served?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
To keep the Y2K pages up-to-date for all languages, would it be possible to
just cut out all the lines, put them in an own file, and do an
include, like it is done with the vendor pages?
If so, this really should be done.
Peter -
When answering to mailing
> Just added it for you. After the next mirror update it will be available
> at . It has also been linked from the
> developer's page.
Speaking of which, shouldn't this too have a separated text and data
portion, or would it be considered to small to translate?
> Since the language of developer's communication is English, I don't see
> the point in translating development documents. I'd rather see people
> focus on the pages intended for a more general audience.
Personally, I prefer to have as much information available in my native
language as is possib
> Log message:
> Added a new WML tag 'FONTS_SANS-SERIF' to replace
> ... , so that languages like Chinese
> that doesn't use Arial or Helvetica as their Sans serif fonts can define their
> own. (ypwong)
There's a bug in that code. When closing the FONT tag, you shouldn't have
the attributes (i.e
> I think it is necessary to define tags for the words 'Package', 'Version',
> 'Status' and 'URL' in english/y2k/*.data so we can have these words in
> our own languages. Any opinions?
That would be a good idea, yes.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list o
> I believe you are misreading what he has done. The is
> ending the container tag that he created.
You're right, sorry.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
Just noticed that the footer of the translated SPI pages are missing the
correct copyright annotations. It just says "©" and nothing more. This is
true for all the translated versions, only the English original seems to
have it correct.
Peter -
I was thinking about adding some information pages about the Swedish
translation of the web pages, as well as some links to other Swedish Linux
resources. In line with the information about the Chinese translation, I
think that this should be put at or something, but I
> added section on using ssh to access the repository
>cvs -d :ext:@
Those need to be replaced by < and > I guess?
Peter -
> Modified files:
> english/partners: index.wml
You shouldn't link directly to "partners.en.html", but instead to
"partners", which will allow translations to be shown instead.
Peter -
> On to the remaing problem. Even with the type-map, sending a preferred
> language of '*' confuses apache. This is definitely something apache
> should work around and there is an open bug upstream regarding this.
Which browsers do send such a header, and have you sent bug reports to the
Since the SPI pages are in the same repository as the Debian pages, I
thought that this would be the correct place to comment on them. If not,
please tell me where to go... :)
Anyway, I've been a bit annoyed on the way the SPI main page links back to
the home page, with a href to "." on the main p
Exactly at what time is updated from the cvs repository?
Sometimes it seems as if it takes >48 hours for pages to get updated. Is
there a mismatch between when the CVS repository is updated and when the
HTML files are actually rebuilt?
Peter -
> Relative links on web pages are a very good thing. That slash would break
> things if the spi pages are one day moved to not being at the top of thier
> very own domain or if they're mirrored elsewhere. "index" would be much
> more appropriate.
No, they wouldn't. Now the links are to "." or ".."
> Fixed and committed.
> Changed to be like the main page.
> I didn't design the page so am not sure why it was designed this way.
Wasn't as much a complaint as a general rambling against hardcoding. I
didn't see it myself, since I generally have document font selection turned
off, and us
Speaking of the SPI pages, I just noticed that the news articles have the
translation language list repeated, I guess that the '<:= languages
("$(HOME)", "news", "$(WML_SRC_BASENAME)", "$(CUR_LANG)") :>' in the bottom
of the news .wml files should be removed.
Second, the link to "how to set defaul
> I haven't looked into CSS much. What browsers support them? What happens
> with browsers that don't support them? If CSS's are the way to go, then
> feel free to set it up. :)
Well, according to what I've read, CSS support in "main-stream" browsers is
best in Opera (3.50+), followed by MSIE (3+,
> Having the web update tied to the archive update means that mirroring
> does not occur at a fixed time every day. The mirror to
> tends to be done around 2130 UTC.
That explains it. I live in UTC+1 (well, UTC+2 with DST), and usually hack
at night, so my updates are generally adde
> english/events/2000: 0301-linworldexpo.wml Makefile index.wml
> Log message:
> We've already got people planning for January 2000!
Uhm... If it's in January, then why is the file name indicating March 1st?
Or did you write it wrong?
Peter -
When an
> The translators will want to edit and change the *_TEXT
> lines.
Is it the same script that was posted to this list earlier, and that
wouldn't work on slink?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
> Added files:
> swedish/Pics :
Can anyone with access to a computer where the script works create the
pictures as described in the script, and replace the existing ones?
Thanks in advance,
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or n
> You either needed to change the sh file so it know where to look or
> put in the same directory.
And then it should have run automatically?
> Done, the new ones are in the CVS.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, pl
I prefer sample4, it looks less cluttered, and you see more of the logotype,
with sample1 it's just too small. To get it bigger I guess more of the
design needs to be changed, perhaps something like thi
> My biggest concern with the current official website is the excessive clash
> between the blue and read in the header linkbar -- I find it makes the site
> look slightly less professional, and while that's not so much of a concern
> for us developers, I think we should always concentrate on putti
> My only comments are that the horizontal and vertical bars should be different
> colors
Personally, I liked it better when they were all the same colour... :)
> and that there will be complaints if we remove the GNU/Linux part of our
> name.
My reasoning for removing the "GNU/Linux" thing in
> Hmm... I didn't like the length of time it took for this page to load...
> what I mean is not bandwidth issues, directly.. but the "whole page in one
> table" concept.
Yeah, I know.
Hmmm, separating the tables and adding back the "GNU/Linux" stuff (and
mentioning Hurd in the same place):
> Blech. I've changed my mind: just use Debian by itself.
To late =8)
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
> I saw... color wise, I already like 5 better and it's not even done
> loading.
And I didn't even announce it yet =8)
The problem with the logo is that it is portait shaped, which makes the
buttons look strange if only they are on the right of it.
Peter -
Speaking of the new logotype and redesigning -- the logos page isn't yet
updated with either the new logotypes or the new license. Is this being
worked on, or is it awaiting the result for the swapping the licenses?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or
> No. Since the images shouldn't change very often, there doesn't
> seem to be much point in doing this. Additionally, regenerating
> the images every day will cause them to be remirrored.
Speaking of the update, now that it has been mirrored, I find that the
images are somewhat compressed (it see
I was just browsing through the debian-www archives (November 1998), I found
a proposal about being able to translate just the news titles and dates
while waiting to translate the text body.
However, I didn't find a resolution on how to actually do this, but it seems
in the Perl code like its impl
This is strange. After the Swedish pages were re-generated, it seems
that the DWN index took the dates from the English version instead of
the Swedish one.
How come?
peter - exjobb @ ///
Joel Klecker wrote:
> I personally don't see the big deal with using GIF, our logo was
> likely made with non-free software anyway, and it is possible to
> write GIFs without infringing on the LZW patent (libungif, libgd 1.3
> or later).
...or by simply making sure the images were created in a co
> All you need to do is to create the file foo.title instead of foo.wml
> and the script that creates the index of news items will look in
> there for the title and date.
Looked in the Makefile, and for the index to depend on this, one need to add
$(wildcard *title) to dependencies, along with the
The old translation for intro/organization obviously doesn't work anymore
(the include files it depended on does no longer exist). How do I go about
on translating the new version? It seem to have slices for languages, but
not everywhere...
Peter -
> Add the slices. I could have easily missed some... or tell me which ones
> they are.
Well, the intro doesn't have slices at the moment. And, should anything be
added in the Swedish directory to get the file created?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list
> if no one objects I'm going to move the current files to linuxexpo-france
> and make new ones with the information from the linuxworldexpo website.
Are they at the same time? Or do you mean that the webpages should clearly
indicate what country they're in?
> I'm sending this to swedish because
> Added files:
> english/events/2000: 0606-usenix.wml
> Log message:
> Usenix 2000 has already sent me a flyer!
Uhm... Filename indicates June 6th, 2000, but the file itself says June
18-23rd, 1999?!?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news
> Replace the chicken with the swirl and adjust the red color to match the
> red in the swirl. It'll be updated today at the end of dinstall.
May I also suggest that the image with the text "Debian GNU/Linux" is
exchanged for the "Debian" should normally appear below the swirl?
That would probab
> I'm afraid I don't follow you...
The "debian" below the swirl, the black text with the red dot over the i.
Use that to replace the now existing "Debian GNU/Linux" text on the front,
which is situated right of the logo.
Like this:
| @ debian
instead of
> I have changed DWN's index page so it only displays issues up to the
> current one. So I can now commit new issues before they are done and they
> won't show up on the index page until after I change the current issue
> pointer.
At least the Swedish translation of the index is now empty, for unk
> Someone has to produce the jpg.
I see you got one. Looks splendid!
> or was produced with the wrong tools..
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
In template/debian/navbar.wml, a slice should be added for the ALT text for
the banner.jpg picture.
> Should we do that or simply use the word 'Debian'? I vote for simply
> using Debian. After all, that is what the image says.
I don't know. Do any of the translations to non-Latin alphabets write
"Debian" transliterated into their own alphabets? If so, then we should
probably have a slice. If not
In the /ports/hurd directory, there is a link to for the
Swedish translation, but it seems not to have been installed to any of the
> english/MailingLists: subscribe.wml unsubscribe.wml
> Log message: updated lists
Speaking of which; the files speak of some script that the translation
should be added to if one wants to translate them. Where is that script, and
how do I translate it?
Peter - http://www.softwolv
SPI's Debian page (SPI/projects/debian.wml) should be updated to include the
new logotype.
I have changed them locally, and can commit them if you want me to (I
thought it'd be best to check first)
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, ple
> No, feel free to make the change!
Okay, done. I updated all the translations I found, as well.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
I bugfixed the Makefiles in english and swedish somewher. They all had
references to index.html.$(LANGUAGE), which instead should be
Also, I added dependencies to *.title version of news translations.
The German and Italian version of the front page needs updating, they d
How come that hasn't been updated since Tuesday?
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
I added a Swedish translation for intro/organization, but I can't really
figure out how to do it the best way, now I just added a organization.wml
with a single include line, and added the slices into the English version (I
moved the non-sliced stuff into slices as well).
Is that the right way to
> The way I had planned on implementing this type of file is as follows
> (easily generalizes for other cases):
It was organized somewhat like that before (last time I had it translated),
but it was changed.
> If you'd like, I'll reorganize the page along these lines and set up
> the Swedish tran
The GNOME-for-slink page points to
as a place to get GNOME for slink, but he seems to have moved it to
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please
> Looking into http://localhost/events/2000/
> : error 500 Can't connect to
> (Bad hostname '')
> Looking into http://localhost/events/1998/
> http://localhost/events/1998/1103-a
> There are only three expos in 1998 (see above). Where is all of this
> from?
The Swedish index.wml for 1998 events pointed to 1999. I have now fixed it.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
>I don't know anything about wml. What does it mean ?
Please see
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
> I'm talking to a consultant in India (who wants to be added to the
> list), and so I thought I'd add in the following tag to the consultants
> wml file. Of course I will need help with the various translations.
Uhm, I didn't find it in countries.wml. Haven't you added it there yet, or?
Hmm, upgraded to potato, and now the build of the webpages fail (perl
reports an error which I can't figure out why, because the file it's
complaining about is there).
Does anyone know how to fix that?
peter -
Bored of spam? Try Fidonet. http://www.fidonet.
> Nope... I've been wrestling with it... had to send a few changes blind and
> put some others off, too
Hmm, if I issue a
export PERLLIB=/usr/lib/perl5/5.004/:/usr/lib/perl5/5.004/i386-linux/
I seem to be able to get it at least to run for one of the pages. Might be
more that are required, thoug
On the event pages, it would be a good idea if the main "Events in "
would be links to the year indices. As of now, the index for 2000 is not
linked at all, since there are no past events for 2000 (obviously).
peter -
Bored of spam? Try Fidonet. http://www.f
> Order matters. The changes I committed worked fine, once I fixed
> the slice in consultants.wml that wasn't closed.
Speaking of the consultants page, and also of the other pages that have
countries listed in some order; the country names are order alphabetically
by their English names, which doe
> If you feel this is important, feel free to implement it.
I don't know Perl (yet, my "Programming Perl" was shipped from
yesterday, so I'll hopefully receive it next week or something), so could
you please set it up?
> It would be even better if you go one step further so that a pa
> With out any individual event summary.
No, I thought that one should make it as it is now, but also making the
"1999 Events" and so links to their pages. Might not be really necessary
since, as was pointed out, the 2000 page doesn't contain anything that isn't
on the main page. I just thought th
> ¿What do you think of this? I am working with wml now, and could try
> to do this but I want to know if there are others more knowledgeable that
> myself who could do this sooner.
That would be a good idea ... if all translations actually sued the scheme,
which they don't.
> Well, how abouta *forcing* all translators to add that tag to the
> pages they translate, that is change it from "recommended" to "required" in
> Debian terms ;)
Good luck.
It's a good idea, but easy to forget.
I use it, though. I like it very much, especially when I do a
> Here is the email that requested I place 1999 events at the top of the
> event page.
Yeah, I thought it looked a bit funny when I added the 2000 events to the
list, but since I don't know Perl (working on it, though), I couldn't figure
out how to do it good...
The best order would IMHO be:
> Are you still having this problem? I delayed upgrading to the new
> perl until last week and it went fine. No problems with wml here.
I had to manually set PERLLIB to
"/usr/lib/perl5/5.004/:/usr/lib/perl5/5.004/i386-linux/", but after that it
worked fine.
peter - http://www.softwolve
> ¿What do you think of this? I am working with wml now, and could try
> to do this but I want to know if there are others more knowledgeable that
> myself who could do this sooner.
Did you come up with anything?
peter -
- and God said: nohup make
> As I'd prefer not to change the Makefiles unnecessarily I'd rather
> use the wml variables.
Well, the Makefiles should be changed so the html pages also depends on the
English versions (so that they are remade when the English version is
updated, if that is not done, it defats the whole thing).
> What do people think?
I believe is that the page should contain the translated intro, and then
entries for each of the languages, with entries in that native language. I
mean, information for those who speak German, for example, is only
interesting for those who speak German.
This, of course, p
It would be nice if the dates that are used in the news and security
bulletins are stored in some "language independent" way in the files, so
that when a new bulletin which isn't yet translated shows up on a translated
index file, the date shows up in the native format, not in the English.
The Swedish version of the news page seems not to have been updated
correctly with regard to the latest two news items. The front page has, and
my local copy was rebuilt correctly, so I can't see why the copy on hasn't been updated correctly.
> If I get positive feedback, I'll replace the current international
> page with this one.
I think it's a definite improvement. Please go for it.
Peter -
When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
personally. Thanks.
> Including this in the head of any translated file
> #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.4"
Just a thought; would it be possible to add somewhere information about what
language the page actually is translated from? For example, some of the
ports pages are written originally
> Standards are good. Feel free to convert the pages to use this
> format and generate the necessary scripts. If you are stuck for
> time, or can't generate the scripts for some reason, just ask.
I'll see if I can come up with anything productive.
peter -
> > Standards are good. Feel free to convert the pages to use this
> > format and generate the necessary scripts. If you are stuck for
> > time, or can't generate the scripts for some reason, just ask.
> I'll see if I can come up with anything productive.
Hmmm. What I want to do, is to feed the t
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