Bug#805796: www.debian.org: please mention httpredir.d.o on mirror page(s)

2015-11-23 Thread Riku Voipio
Hi, While at it: https://packages.debian.org/sid/arm64/bash/download Doesn't mention httpredir either. Riku

Bug#499933: Please include the armel port on the Debian "ports" web page

2008-09-27 Thread Riku Voipio
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 08:05:11AM -0500, Kumar Appaiah wrote: > Dear Rhonda, > > On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 09:54:48AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: > > Am Dienstag, den 23.09.2008, 13:48 -0500 schrieb Kumar Appaiah: > > > Please do include a description of "armel" on the > > > http://www.debian.org/

Re: [Patch] Arm port update

2008-02-07 Thread Riku Voipio
an-installer, kernel -Wookey +Aurelian Jarno -Documentation (including this web page) & Aleph One releases. +ARM buildd assistant and general porter -Martin Michlmayr +Riku Voipio -Documentation, debian-installer, kernel +armel porter Dedication -Chris Rutter <mai

Re: [Patch] Arm port update

2008-02-06 Thread Riku Voipio
On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 12:55:12PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote: > This is not true. armel is not "fully supported", especially not for a > stable release, and: Looking at the other ports pages, it seems the port pages generally talk about the status of ports on latest stable release. > > +Both p

Bug#237171: kmail 3.2.1 sources incorrectly reported as "kdenetwork"

2004-03-10 Thread Riku Voipio
r not, but it's surely not a > kdenetwork bug. notice that the "KDE network module" text on that page is grabbed from kmail package description. Description: KDE Email client ... Supports imap, mbox, maildir, pop3, pop3s, and OpenPGP. . This package is part

Bug#222334: http://www.debian.org/intro/cn.en.html could be targetted

2003-11-27 Thread Riku Voipio
. The page could also print also the Accepted-Languages: (?) Header the browser gave, to make it more obvious why the pages are seen as they are. -- Riku Voipio|[EMAIL PROTECTED] | kirkkonummentie 33 |+358 40 8476974 --+-- 02140 Espoo

Bug#70395: http://www.debian.org/security/ - (finnish translation)

2000-08-28 Thread Riku Voipio
package: www.debian.org version: n/a; Hi, the next row seems to have a typo... deb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates mian contrib non-free Anyway, generally You're doing a great job. -- Riku Voipio [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09-862 60764