reassign 237171 kmail
severity 237171 minor

> > On, kmail' sources are incorrectly reported as
> > "kdenetwork" (should be kdepim).
> >
> I'm not sure whether this bug is valid or not, but it's surely not a
> kdenetwork bug.

notice that the "KDE network module" text on that page is grabbed from
kmail package description.

Description: KDE Email client
 Supports imap, mbox, maildir, pop3, pop3s, and OpenPGP.
 This package is part of the official KDE network module.

Riku Voipio            |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
kirkkonummentie 33     |    +358 40 8476974          --+--
02140 Espoo            |                               |
dark> A bad analogy is like leaky screwdriver          |

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